Blue (Part II)

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The letter said following words,

"Hello! My best friend forever, Rose. I do not know when you will get to read this letter neither do I know if I'll be still there or not but, Rose I wanted to remind you about all the things we went through together. All the time we spent together laughing, playing, singing and dancing around. Mother always says that we are like two butterflies, colorful and happy, enjoying life, the way we should without any care about the world. She says that we have got the most loving and honest hearts with no benefits, we both love each other and also everyone else around. Rose, open the box and you'll find the painting I promised you about. There's something different, I know. Something is missing, something is not as the same way as I told you. My hair but, because I promised you Rose, i must keep it. They had to cut my hair because of my health issues. I know how you always loved my hair and how upset you were when you saw me this way. There's something still waiting for you to notice inside that box Rose.. "

I had tears in my eyes and I was weeping. The picture of her face came right in front of my eyes and my head was hurting. I putted the box on my lap, took a look at the painting with my tears shedding onto it. there was a piece of white velvet cloth within. I slowly picked one side of it and pulled is away and then the other one, unfolding it.

On one corner my name was written with Golden thread. Removing that last fold, I finally reached the end. My eyes were burning, my heart sank and I couldn't breathe. My body was shaking and my mouth slightly left open. I tried to control my self from making any sound or any movement but my hand went in that box with my eyes stick to it and tears streaming down my face, I touched the Red strand of hair that was within that piece of cloth. It was hard to believe but as I picked the cloth up with my both hands and smelled the hair, my heartbeat went fast and my hands quickly putted the cloth back in place. Oh my lord,it smelled just like Melissa. She gifted me a strand of her hair. The hair that I loved the most, the hair that were removed because of her illness.

I capped the box and put it a side. It was so hard to control myself. Father came calling my name and asked me if I'm alright. She sent me a black box with a rose on top tied with a golden string, it had a letter and this piece of cloth with the strand of her red hair that still smelled just like her and also the painting. The painting that she promised me about.

How was I able to explain that all to my father? I lost all my strength as he came forward asking me again if I'm alright. I was dying inside. I was frightened. My whole body was yelling in pain but, my mouth kept shut.

I ran outside, into the ground towards the tree. He followed me calling my name. Tears were dropping down and I was yelling and screaming her name saying Melissa what did you do? Melissa where are you? I tripped onto the ground, father came and hugged me. He held me close to his chest. Mother and grandma came outside asking me what's wrong and I kept saying that's it's all my fault.

Father told me it's not. He held me tight and told me to trust him. I asked him about Melissa, I asked him, " where is my sister? My best friend?". He replied that she's gone. She'll never come back. I screamed and screamed louder. I kept screaming till I could. I had my arms around him and my eyes shut, I couldn't believe it, I couldn't speak anymore. It seemed like the world was falling and my soul is being taken out of my body. I whispered her name, I whispered what she was to me and whatever that we did together. I whispered that I love her and I whispered her name again and again and again.

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