My Silent Steps.

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I am right now sitting under the same tree, I told you earlier about.

I went to see Melissa. Now, I am back home. Remember I told you about how beautiful she is, she is so pretty from inside. Her heart is so cute. She loves everyone. She listens to everyone. Her parent are never required to yell, she is so pretty from inside.

I went to see her. The home was quiet. Her younger siblings are sent to their grandparents home because they disturb Melissa with their noises.

Father dropped me and trod there. He said he'll come back in the evening to pick me up. I went in excited, I saw my aunt sitting on the dining table. She was looking upset. I handed her the cookies mother gave me to deliver. She hugged me and thanked me for visiting, her eyes were red and she seemed so blue. I did not say a word. She took a Breath and asked me not to make load noises for it will be disturbing.

I went upstairs, towards Melissa's room. The house was dark I was breathing fast. My heart was sinking as I went through the wooden corridor, putting my feet slowly onto the floor, making sure not to make any noise. I had no idea about what had happened to her, just that she was ill. I did not now the disease she was suffering from. All I could think of was her mother's face,  red eyes and hands that were shaking.

I entered in her room. She was lying in her bed which was Covered with white sheets. A warm red blanket on her. I was standing on the door looking at her. She heard my loud breaths and raised her head saying my name with her sweet voice that had a break in it,

- "Rose..  Rose, I want to paint a picture of us together. Standing in your garden, under the tree. I will paint you wearing a pink frock and a floral band on your head, it'll have white, pink and red roses in it. I'll paint myself holding your hands wearing a white dress and my hair moving with the wind. It will be a pleasant day with yellow birds sitting in their nest singing a melodious song. I will show music in the air. Rose.. Would you help me? Would you sing for me while I paint? I am not allowed to sing because of this cough. Rose, would you paint trod in that painting for me? I am sorry Rose I ask for so many favors.. ", she had problem in breathing so her voice broke, I stood there looking at her waiting for her to continue but she did not. She just looked at me and smiled.

Her pink cute face was yellow, her eyes were small and not shining, her lips where purple, her body was week, her red curly hair was gone and her breaths were sounding and restless.

I stood there without making a sound with my heart broken. I couldn't believe what I saw. Tears streamed down my face but her smile remained. She was struggling with all her heart. Her eyes showed a shine and she called my name again.
She said, "Rose.." her sweet voice still echo in my ear. She asked me to come and sit.

Please respect the roses.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin