Contentment in the End

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There was silence as Levina and Balthazar flew through the air towards Arizona. Tears were constantly on the verge of falling, and it was often that Levina sobbed as she flew over the patchwork quilt of farmland below her.

Gotham flew a good distance from the kids, but as the flight reached its second hour she joined them. Somehow she wanted to offer something to the memory of Levina's mother, but there was nothing Gotham knew that would help her through this troubled time. Gotham only saw Levina's mother a handful of times. Three times before Levina's conception and once after. The three times before were awkward affairs, and they barely spoke. The last time was when Gotham came to help Levina's mother look as if she was a Squib after she found out she was pregnant with Levina. She falsified records to make it look like Agnes's parents were the Bradshaws, and she destroyed all trace of Agnes's No-Maj parentage. The Bradshaws' real daughter was killed by Louve Edwuf, and all they ever wanted was grandchildren. When Gotham asked them to adopt Agnes they jumped at the chance of adopting three beautiful grandchildren with her. Clement was the only one old enough to realize something was up. Dilan never suspected a thing. This web of lies would have been confusing had Agnes and the Bradshaws not become so close that there was almost no argument that Agnes was a part of the family.

Balthazar pointed to a large gold bird flying to them. "Is that Frank's mate?" He asked.

Levina wiped her eyes and squinted at it. Something told her it wasn't her, and she stopped and waited for the bird to get nearer. By the time Levina realized it was a Griffin it was too late to get out of the way. The two great birds flew at each other screeching angrily. Thunderclouds swirled around them, and Levina, Balthazar, and Professor Gotham zipped away from the two birds fighting each other. Eventually, the two great eagles stopped clawing at each other and retreated from their fight. Levina flew towards Frank as he slowly landed in a field. His feathers were disheveled, and he had large claw marks on his breast and along with his talons and legs.

Levina grabbed her bag and hastened to get the bottle of tonic out of it, but there was nothing left in the bottle. She threw the bottle in her desperation and started looking through her bag for something, anything, that would help Frank. All she could find was bandage so she tried to wrap his wounds, but he wouldn't let her near him. He squawked and flapped his wings angrily.

"It's okay," Levina said trying to get nearer, but he wouldn't let her.

Levina gripped her wand and drew nearer to the great eagle trying to wrap his wounds. He flapped his wings. From her wand came a white wisp threaded towards the Thunderbird. It calmed him down and slowly healed the wounds on his chest and legs. Frank flapped his wings and leaned down towards Levina. She reached up and touched his beak gently.

Levina shook slightly. Her whole body ached. "I need to rest," She said quietly before falling to her knees.

Frank laid down next to her. He looked at Gotham and Balthazar. Balthazar hurried over and lifted Levina onto the Thunderbird's back. Levina fell asleep nestled gently on the Thunderbird as he burst up into the air.

Rainclouds and thunder swirled around him. A rope went around his talons and pulled him down. He screeched and flapped his wings, but he could do nothing to stop the ropes from pulling him down. He scratched at one of the ropes with his beak and tore himself free, but his talons had deep red gashes on them. Another rope flew and wrapped around his wing. Frank flapped desperately and then began to tear at the rope with his beak. Red gashes appear on his wing from his own desperate attempts to get free. He finally got away from the onslaught of ropes, but his wing was hurt so he landed on the docks and curled up. Agony pulsated through his body. He let out a pained cry and lowered his head as all energy left him.

Levina Eagle and the Thunderbird's GiftWhere stories live. Discover now