Head Trauma and Lesson Plans

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Levina, Everette, and Roxanna left the common room to go to dinner. The sky was bright in the courtyard as they cut across to the cafeteria. Levina tried not to shiver. She wasn't quite used to how cold it was compared to her hometown in Texas. She had taken to wearing her cloak at all times because of the temperature difference. Her friends didn't seem half as bothered by the weather.

When they entered the cafeteria Levina felt loads better. They made their way to the Thunderbird table and sat down. A boy smiled at them. "How was your first day of classes?" He asked.

Roxanna smiled at him. "It was pretty good," She said.

"My name's Donovan Braun," He said. "If you guys need anything just ask me or one of my friends. We remember how hard it was to be a first year."

A group of students beside him smiled and waved. "Thanks," Everette said as the food began to float down onto the tables.

Levina flashed a smile at the group of upperclassmen before filling her plate up with food. She decided since she overate the day before she would have a small meal today. Levina was tired and she felt stressed. Yesterday's event ran through her mind, and she began to wonder what her father would have been like if he had just been a father. Despite not knowing what her father was like she could tell he wouldn't make a good father. If he could torture wizards without a second thought then how cruel would he be as a father.

"Levina," Everette called her from her trance.

Levina looked up. "What?" She asked.

"What's your first class of the day tomorrow?" He asked.

"Magic History," She replied.

Everette smiled. "That's what me and Roxanna have," He said smiling.

Levina nodded and took a bite of her food.

"I wish first years could play Quadpots," Everette said shaking his head. "I've been on a broom since I was born."

"Quadpots?" Levina asked.

"It's like American Quidditch except with more explosions, and it's a lot more dangerous," Roxanna replied.

"Do we have Quidditch here?" Levina asked remembering the makeshift games she played with Dilan at her Grandparents'.

"Yeah. Tryouts are open to first years and up, but it's not half as popular as Quadpots," Everette said.

Levina was quiet for a moment as she tried to decide if she wanted to try out for the Quidditch team. It would be something to do, and she always did like Quidditch. "I think I'm gonna try out for Quidditch," She said.

"Really? Why would you want to do that?" Everette asked.

Levina shrugged as she finished her food. "I like Quidditch," She said.

Donovan looked over at her. "I'm on the Thunderbird Quidditch team," He piped up. Levina looked over at the brown-eyed boy. He had a lopsided grin on his face. "I'm actually the team captain," He said. "Tryouts are on Monday after class is over in the courtyard."

"I'll be there," Levina said grinning.

"If you're gonna try out I'll try out too!" Everette exclaimed.

"I've always played as Beater so watch out," Levina said playfully.

Everette smiled at her though he didn't recognise what the position was. He didn't know anything about Quidditch, not that he would admit to her. He made a mental note to stop at the library and read about Quidditch during his lunch break tomorrow. Levina finished eating her dinner and stretched. She wanted to go to the library after dinner because she wanted to see if she could find another book about her father. Alas that was not her luck as Professor Locke walked to the Thunderbird table.

Levina Eagle and the Thunderbird's GiftWhere stories live. Discover now