The Feast

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The sorting went on for a very long time. Occasionally a new student would join the other Thunderbird first years, and they were greeted with a hearty cheer. A girl named Roxanna joined the group Everette and Levina were in. Everette and her got along really well, and she had no trouble getting along with the rest of the group. She had a pretty smile and lovely blue eyes.

When the sorting was over a door that the students hadn't seen before opened, and a tall woman walked in. "So you're going to be my Thunderbirds this year," She said looking around the room. "We'll be going to dinner now, and after that we'll be going to the common room. My name is Arachne Webb, and I'm your Potions Professor and Head of Thunderbird. Now enough of me talking let's go get something to eat."

The students all huddled together and walked out of the room in a mostly single-file line. When they were in the hallway they became a giant herd and followed behind Professor Webb. She seemed to know where she was going very well because she didn't ever get tricked by any of the falsely locked door or the twists and turns that confused everyone else. Then they reached the cafeteria. It had five gigantic tables. One of them was pushed away from the other four and there were teachers sitting around it. Levina saw Professor Locke speaking with an ancient man that looked like he might fall asleep at any given moment.

"Who's Locke talking to?" Levina asked looking over at Everette.

"Professor Democratis Glew. He's older than dirt," Everette replied.

Levina nodded her head as Professor Webb led them to the table furthest away from the door. The legs of the table had bird's talons holding globes. There were already a bunch of older kids sitting at the table. They smiled and cheered for the first years that were joining them.

"This is the Thunderbird table. We sit here at dinner, but at lunch or breakfast you are allowed to sit where ever you want," Professor Webb said. "If you need anything come talk to me. I'm going to sit with the other teachers. I'll pick you up and bring you to the common room after dinner."

The Thunderbird first years sat down at the table. Everette insisted that Levina and Roxanna should sit next to him. They found a few spots next to a few older students. Roxanna sat in front of Everette and Levina sat next to him.

Another group of kids walked in behind a woman with long blonde hair. She looked irritated and had a frown on her lips. She address her group of kids, and they look their seats at the table with legs made to look like serpents with jewels in their mouths. The woman, Professor Frost, rushed off to take her seat at the teacher's table.

A third group of kids walked into the hall being led by a man with a giant smile on his face. He brought his students to the table closest to the Thunderbird's table. It has plain legs compared to the other tables. "This is the Pukwudgie table! You only have to eat dinner here; any other meal you can sit at any table you want. I'll bring you to your common room after dinner. I hope you love it. I know I did," The man, Professor Hawthorne, said. As he spoke he used his hand extensively.

From the Pukwudgie table Levina saw Balthazar and Grace sitting together. She waved at them, and Balthazar waved back. Everette gave her a sideways look then grinned at Roxanna to cover it up. The fourth group of first years walked in and took their seats at a table with lion's feet. The man, Professor Gryffon, leading them had his  blond hair slicked down. He spoke with them briefly then he walked to the teacher's table. Upon getting there the only seat left was by Frost. She looked at him.

"You are not sitting next to me," She said crossing her arms.

"I hardly want to," Gryffon said, "but there aren't any seats left are there?"

Hawthorne jumped up with that same smile on his face. "You can take my place Murphy," He said.

Frost rolled her eyes. "Anyone is better than that cretin," She said. "Well come on dimples."

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