The Quidditch Team and the Waking Dream

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When the Quidditch hopefuls were gone the three Chasers and the other Beater joined Donovan. Everette and Levina joined Donovan too.

"Seems I was right about you three huh? Next year I ought ta just say you're stay. You three are too good of a team to break apart," Donovan said shaking his head at Ruby, the girl with light hair, and the brown haired boy.

The blonde girl looked over at the three new teammates. "May name's Charlotte," She said sticking out her hand to the other Beater who shook her hand.

The other Beater, who had been very quiet until this moment, still hadn't smiled. "I'm Salvatore," He said. His voice was deeper than any of the other boys. His hair was thick and dark. He was the tallest of the Thunderbird Quidditch team. By his appearance Levina would have assumed he would be better suited for Quadpots.

"I'm Wilbur," The brown haired boy said sticking his hand out to Levina with a big grin on his face. His hair was long, and he had it in a short, curled ponytail. His jaw was square. Looking at him up close made her realize how attractive he was.

"My name's Levina," She said smiling. Her cheeks heated up, and she hoped her blush wasn't that obvious.

"I'm Everette," Everette said sticking his hand out to Ruby who took it.

"Ruby," She said simply.

Wilbur smiled at Levina. "Are you Dilan's younger sister?" He asked.

Levina nodded her head.

"He absolutely murdered me the first time I played Wampus. Hit me with the Bludger, and I hit the ground," Wilbur said. "He was really sorry he hit me so hard. Apologized as soon as I got out of the hospital wing and made sure that I didn't quit Quidditch."

"Good thing he convinced you to stay because we'd be terrible without you," Charlotte said grabbing Wilbur's hand. "You compliment me... and Ruby."

Wilbur smiled sheepishly.

Donovan smiled. "Quidditch practice will be every Monday and Wednesday after classes and until dinner," He said. "Do you guys want to practice now? Or are you guys hungry?"

Wilbur, Charlotte, Ruby, Levina, and Everette looked between each other. Wilbur smiled slightly. "I don't know about y'all, but I'm starving," He said.

Ruby smiled at Levina, Everette, and Salvatore. "You guys need to eat with us. We all know each other you're the new kids," She said happily.

Levina smiled. "That sounds great!" She said.

"Can our friend Roxanna sit with us too?" Everette asked.

"Absolutely!" Wilbur said.

"Well, let's get to dinner," Donovan said mounting his broom. He kicked off the ground and flew up in the air.

The rest of the Thunderbird Quidditch team mounted their brooms and sped off to the school. Everette caught up to Donovan easily, and the two raced to the school. Ruby and Charlotte raced each other back, and Salvatore sped ahead without racing anyone particular. Levina and Wilbur flew back slower than the rest.

"They're always in a rush," Wilbur said shaking his head.

Levina nodded her head and rolled on her broom lazily.

"I feel like everyone's in a rush nowadays," Wilbur said shaking his head.

Levina smiled. "I don't think being in a rush is so bad as long as you know when to slow down," She said.

Wilbur smiled slightly and shook his head. "How old are you?" He asked laughing.

Levina looked over at Wilbur. "Race you," She said smirking.

Levina Eagle and the Thunderbird's GiftKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat