The Girl that Spoke with Eagles

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"Did I ever tell you the story of the Buffalogator?" Levina's granddad asked.

Levina shook her head excitedly and took a seat on the couch beside her granddad. He smiled at her.

"Way back when I was a young wizard... younger than your mom. I was practicing magic by the river when I heart a loud snap snap, like uh alligator," Levina's granddad said. Levina waved her arms like alligator happily. "I whipped around like a wampus with his tail caught in a trap, and I saw the biggest most ugliest thing imaginable. It looked like the cross between a gator and a buffalo. Long curly green fur like moss hung from all over the top of it. Its wide were a'snappin'."

Levina echoed him repeating a'snappin'. She was smiling widely and hopping up and down in excitement. "What did it do?" She asked. "What did the buffalo... buff-ah-lo..."


"What did the Buffalogator do?" Levina asked her eyes wide in interest.

"He ran at me. His big legs pumping and he was a'cryin'!" Levina echoed the a'cryin'. "Then he got really close because I wasn't fast enough and he tried to bite off my hand. Luckily I whipped my hand out of there like jackalope with his thumb in a bear trap. So I turned around and I threw a spell at him and he fell down stunned then I ran for my life away."

"Did you ever see him again?" Levina asked bouncing up and down on the couch.

Her granddad shook his head and let out a long sigh. "Never saw that creature ever again. People told me I made it up, but I'm telling you the Buffalogator is out there. If I were a younger man I would go and search for it," He said. "Maybe you'll find it for me Levina. Do you think you could?"

Levina nodded her head. "Of course I could," She said.

"I'll hold you to that Levina," Levina's granddad said picking her up and hoisting her on his shoulders.

"I won't let you down granddad!" She exclaimed wrapping her arms around his throat to stay up better.

Levina woke up to the sweltering heat of a Texan summer. She stared at the roof as droplets of sweat ran down her forehead and found a resting place on her pillowcase. Levina squeezed her eyes shut and sighed. She slipped out of bed in her thin nightgown. It was soaked through with sweat and was plastered to her skin.

Levina shimmied out of her nightgown and put on her proper day attire. Because of the heat she opted not to wear certain unmentionables as that would only cause her to sweat through her clothes quicker. Her skirt went passed her knees and was a mostly red plaid. Her shirt was three quarters sleeved and was a soft tan. Secretly she wished she knew a magical way to keep herself cool during the hot summer months, but as her mother was a squib she couldn't enchant her gowns to make them more bearable.

Levina went down the stairs and caught sight of her mother doing the dishes from the night before. Levina sat down at the kitchen table quietly. Her mother passed her a bowl of porridge and a glass of milk. Levina put three spoonfuls of sugar in the porridge as she had always done since she was barely older than four.

"Levina, this is for you," Levina's mom said passing the letter to her daughter.

"Ilvermorny..." Levina read on the envelope before tearing it open. Her heart began to beat as she realized what this letter was about. "Dear Ms. Levina Eagle. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Ilvermorny School of Wizarding. Enclosed in this letter is a list of books and equipment needed for your first year at Ilvermorny. The year begins September 5. We await your response. Sincerely Head of Admissions Wood Chucklin."

Levina smiled widely and jumped up spilling her milk in her excitement. "Mama! I'm going to the same school as granddad!" She exclaimed.

Levina's Mama smiled her kind smile. "I'm jealous," She said touching her daughter's cheek gently.

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