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The silence of the car is interrupted by police sirens going past us. Tina slows down as I turn around in my seat, watching the cruisers pull into the parking lot of the hospital.

"Fuck." I hear Harry curse, turning back around in his seat with me as I return to my original position.

"Now they're definitely going to be looking for me!" I cry out, feeling my heart beat speed up.

"Just drop us off at the car dealership. We will just buy a car." Harry says.

She shakes her head and I feel my stomach twist in knots. What's​happening, what's she doing?

"No, I want to help you guys!" She says, not turning to look at either of us.

Great. She's holding us captive. "Helping us?" I laugh, hysterical. "You're probably in on it with my so called mother. Just drop is off somewhere."

I cross my arms, looking to her as she speaks. "Well you should know who I am! Because that's not even tour birth mother!"

"Who the hell are you?" I spit, getting sick of this nonsense.

"Okay, fine." She sighs. "I had two daughters a long time ago along with a friend named Kristy Tarea. We were friends up until I got pregnant. She got extremely jealous. Jealous was the cause to our ruined friendship, I would say. After I had my daughter, I got pregnant again when she was about two. I was happy. I had a family. A loving husband and two beautiful girls.

"One night, everyone was asleep. I couldn't sleep, though and was up most of the night. I had heard footsteps in the nursery. Of, course, I went to go and check it out.

"When I walked in, the baby was gone. I had panicked, grabbing my husband and my other baby, calling the police. I swore to them up and down that it was Kristy. They apparently searched her house and everything, but didn't find anything. They ended up letting her go..

"The case continued to go unsolved and after three years, they just gave up, setting the case in the back to just collect dust. My husband died 9 years ago, leaving me and my daughter, Leah. It was tight with money and all, but we made it through.

"My other daughter, Winter, was abducted from my home when she was only 3 years old." She says, summing up all my confusion.

My eyes widen, my brows furrowing. "No.." I whisper. "As much as I want to believe it, I can't.. My mothers name is Kristy Brown."

"She had her name changed. She got married to a Mr. Devon Brown. A couple of years after they got married, he reportedly drowned in a lake two miles from their home. Everyone knew Kristy killed him, but were too scared to say anything to the cops." She says.

"Then why come around now?" I ask, wondering​ if this is actually my biological mother. "Why come around when I'm nearly 18?"

"Because.." She sighs. "I work at the hospital and when I came in to see you, I was on break. I was messing around on my phone and then I saw an Amber Alert come across for you guys. As soon as I got it, I realized that you had checked in. I couldn't believe it.."

"Fuck, Winter.." Harry says, turning to me while his hand runs through his hair. "They are looking for us!" He them turns to me. "See, I told you!"

Tina then speaks up and I can't help but feel a bit pissed for the words coming out of her mouth. "Why'd you run away with him?"

"Well," I start, glancing to Harry whose jaw is to the car floor. "He's pretty entertaining and Ethan got- In, my God."

"What?" Harry and Tina both ask in unison.

"That's why Kristy didn't want me getting close to everybody. Because she was afraid that if enough people knew who I was, then they'd find out that she wasn't my real mom." I say, my eyes wide as I turn to Harry.

"Huh." Tina says. "She actually kept you a better secret than I thought she would."

We pull up to a big white house and I realize that this must be Tina's house. Why are we here? I thought she was informed to drop us off at the car dealer?

A girl sits on the steps in front of the house in jeans and a tank top. She has curly brunette hair that comes down to her waist and she looks pretty tall. I imagine this to be my unknown sister.

"That's Leah." Tina speaks up, guessing my thoughts. "She's your sister. She'll be coming with us, we just need to pack some bags and-"

"Woah, woah, woah." Harry cuts her off. "This is kind of just a me and Winter thing. Not to be rude or anything, but you guys will just slow us down."

"Leah is on the college track team and I feel like I'm in pretty decent shape too." She gloats and I scoff, looking down to my lap so she doesn't notice me roll my eyes.

We get out of the car and Tina tells us to have a look around inside the house or whatnot as she talks to Leah.

"I'm going to find a bathroom to wash my face." I tell Harry as we walk through the door. "Do you want to come?"

He nods, staying close behind me as I wander around, looking for a bathroom. I finally find one and me and Harry both stepping in, closing the door.

"You know, we could leave right now." Harry whispers, looking down to me.

"Harry, they seem-"

"Nice?" He asks, cutting me off. "Winter, you don't know if she made that story up or not. She could be calling Kristy down as we speak. Even if she was your real mom, she'll just slow us down."

I nod, knowing that he is true on all of that. "Fine, let's go."

He smiles at me and opens the door back up and we both step out, making sure that no one is in sight before making our way towards the door.

When we exit the front door, I spot Tina's car and open the door, Harry and I both grabbing our bags from the back.

Harry then leads me to an alleyway across from the house and tells me to crouch down and to not make a sound. I do as said and I can still see Tina's house in view. Her and Leah are running out of the house, frantically looking around. After awhile​, they go back inside.

After Harry and I believe that it is clear, we head in the opposite direction we just came. At the end of the alleyway, we are met with a wall. Great.

"What's your plan now, Styles?" I ask him, placing my hands on my hips as I look up to him.

He eyes the wall and steps his foot on the dumpster. "I don't know about you, but I'm climbing."

"Are you kidding?" I scoff. "You don't know this about me, but I'm terrified of heights!"

He smirks. "Oh, wow." He teases. "That's a shocker." I roll my eyes, annoyed of his behavior. "Just come on, Winter. I'm right here. Just step right there and I'll pull you up."

He points to an edge on the side of the dumpster and I look to it. I look back up to him, weary as to getting up.

But I eventually do set my foot on there and jump up, grabbing ahold of Harry's hand. I don't dare myself to look down, knowing that as soon as I do, I'll freak out.

We manage to get both of us ontop of the dumpster and over the fence in one piece.

"Now, was that so bad?" Harry teases after we hit the solid ground.

"Oh, shut up." I groan, punching his shoulder playfully. "Where to now?"

"I was thinking we can walk to Niall's again. He can help us find a car to buy and shit." Harry says as we haul our bags out of the alley along with ourselves.

I groan. "How far away is that?"

He shrugs. "Like 20 minutes. If we are lucky, we might be able to catch a cab."

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