F I F T Y - N I N E

Start from the beginning

I chuckled, bumping his fist. "Come on. It hasn't been that long, has it?"

"Well, now that you are here . . . Did Bran tell you how our shoot went today?" He pulled out his phone. 

"Shoot? What shoot?"

"We're doing a video shoot for a few commercials!" Jackson exclaimed eagerly, scrolling through his phone before holding it to me. 

There was Brandon standing in front of a crew of cameras and directors, while a few young soccer players stood at both of his sides. They each wore a bright smile along with their matching navy blue Blue Jackets jersey.

"No way!!" I burst out with a grin. "This is awesome!" 

"Yeah, felt like Hollywood." Jackson nodded, flipping to another photo. This time, Brandon was sitting in the director's chair as powder was being applied to his face. His eyes were squeezed shut as he shrugged away from the brush yet a wide grin lit up his face. He couldn't look more at ease. 

"He looks like a star," I said in awe, admiring the picture of my older brother. 

"These two stole the show though." Jackson flipped to a photo of little Bennie and Jenny both sharing the director's chair, powder also being applied to their faces. Their wide grins exactly matching their father's as they shrugged away from the brush.

"Action Jackson!" Brandon exclaimed, hanging up the phone and holding out his hand to Jackson with a wide smile. 

"Bran the man!" Jackson slapped his hand, fist bumping him with just as wide as a smile. 

"What's happening today, good sir??" 

 "Showing Dan the photos from our shoot today!!" Jackson handed him the pictures. 

"That's right" Brandon grinned, his eyes lighting up as he took the photos. "Did you hear, Dan? We made it to Hollywood!!"

I turned to Jackson from confirmation. 

"They're just a few promotional videos for a site." Jackson chuckled.

"And possibly local television too. Still sorting that out. . ." Bran added, holding up a finger. He held up the photos. "These are fun! We gotta get you in a few videos, Dan." 

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, I think I'll pass." 

"That's what Action Jackson said, but look who got to have a scene all to himself?" Brandon held up a photo of Jackson standing confidently in front of a few cameras. "We'll see what we can do." He nodded as he sorted through the photos. "We gotta frame these and put 'em on the wall outside, huh? We're almost done covering it!!"

Jackson nodded. "The trophies for the tournament should be here soon too." 

"Excellent!! Now, first order of business," Bran proclaimed, opening his drawer, digging through it for a short moment. "Ah-ha!" He held up a bag of chocolate bars. "Brain food anyone?"

"No thanks. I'm good." Jackson chuckled, running his hand over his stomach. "Trying to stay off sweets."

"Hey, we'll work it all off at tonight's game!" Brandon waved his hand dismissively as he unwrapped a Hershey's bar and took a bite. "Want some, Dan?" He held out the bag. 

"Do you really keep that bag of chocolates here?" I chuckled as I reached over and grabbed a Kit Kat. 

"You bet! It's my secret stash!" he exclaimed excitedly, causing Jackson and I to laugh.

The phone suddenly rang again. Brandon put the chocolate down and turned to Jackson, snapping his fingers. "Hey, I just thought of a new greeting we can use. Wanna try it?"

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