Long Distance Runaround

Start from the beginning

Keith perks up, "Hey, what do you mean by that?"

Sara hands him a cookie, "Shhh, calm down, they're drunk."

Lee takes another drink, and Megan back away from her spot within relative vicinity to Lee, "I mean, seriously... if it's not obvious I'm not explaining."

Megan whispers, "Yeah, it's not obvious."

Lee mumbles drunkenly, "Fine! I'm explaining! You're a crappy keyboard player and you broke up a nice relationship! Now, how's about you go back and go," and they hiccup from the Jack Daniels, "Go fuck yourself, you sad little douche canoe!"

"Lee," Jane laughs, "I had no idea you were such a mean drunk!"

"Oh, and don't even get me started on Jon Anderson!" they squeal, "Who does he think he is, being nice to everyone? It's so annoying! Oh, and that Brian May dude? He's a dick too!"

Katherine drops her little tea cup, "DID YOU JUST CALL MY HUSBAND A DICK??"

"Why, yes!" Lee squeals, "I did!" Lee stands proudly on the stool, "Look at Mick Jagger, he's the king of the dicks, actually!"

Gina hugs him in vain, "Why does everyone think it's okay to disparage my beloved?"

Lily crawls out from under the table, covered in crumbs, and she comes over to hug Gina, "I'm sorry about that, my friend."

Hannah looks over her friend, "Um, Lily, why do you have crumbs all over you?"

"I don't know, they were just kind of there," Lily replies.

Judy holds a lamp to her head, "Why did you crawl under a table?""

"I don't know, I was emotionally confused," and she smiles, "I think I'm better now, though."

"Your clothes aren't, though," Hannah laughs, again observing her in tatters.

Grace writhes on over, "Here, mom- I mean Lily, have some very fashionable clothes I borrowed from Joan Baez!"

"Wow, these are very nice, thank you!" Lily smiles.

Joan says, "Whoa, I did not lend you those- ugh, never mind. Keep those, Lily."

Lily slips back, "Okay, thanks Joan!"

Judy allows Lily to go, and then holds a lamp to Keith's head, "If you watch her change like a complete creep, this goes through your skull."

Keith backs away, "Um, yeah... Good to know!" He forces a laugh, and then takes Jimmy's best friend and downs a bit of it, "That's good."

"Oh, using alcohol to ignore your problems, I see?" and Judy laughs, "Normally I'd approve of that, but within context I don't."

Before Judy can lay down a blow, Grace prances over to Judy and says, "Have a Snickers. You get a little angry when you're hungry."

Judy replies, "I don't like Snickers."

Keith wails, "You know, good night everyone. I think I've had enough for tonight..."

Sara hands him a cupcake, "No you haven't," he accepts the cupcake, and Keith Moon comes over with puppy dog eyes, "Again, Keith? Well, here you go," She throws him a cupcake, and he catches it, smiling at the prize. "Why does he keep following me?"

Megan replies, "You have cupcakes, duh..." She and Roger laugh with one another, and I can't help but laugh too.

Stephanie stands on the stool and says, "Hey, guys! How about no one gets hit with a lamp and also-," however, the stool begins cracking from under her, and finally it collapses, "Oww!" she wails.

"You ruined the stool, man!" Lee yells at Stephanie.

Hannah goes over to Lee, "It's just a stool man, relax."

Lee replies a little tearfully, "It-it was all I had! It's probably Emerson's fault! Can I please go throw him in the river?"

Lily walks in, finally, "Um, no you can't."

Lee smirks, "Well, look at that! The sexually frustrated puppy dog finally has the object of his affection back!"

Lily and Keith both roll their eyes, and Hannah says, "You know, I think it's high time for everyone to go back to their cabins."

Jimmy whines, "But I don't want to go there! My bed isn't comfy!"

Ian goes over to Jimmy and puts his hand on her shoulder, "My friend, you need to grow a pair. I mean, uh, you need to be roughing it out here!"

Gina whispers, "Ian, I think you need to give that up with the whole 'roughing it' thing. No one is digging it."

I look around, hoping maybe someone will defend Ian, because frankly I'm too scared to. Finally, Elisa says, "Hey, over in our camp that's not even an issue!" Great, now this is going to be really dramatic...

"What did you say?" Roger Waters neighs.

Finally, I stand on a nice, big, tall box and declare, "Everyone go home! That's what she said! Everyone go home to their cabins and we'll all get together in the morning!" Just like that, everyone starts filing out. Soon enough, everyone but Lily is gone. I ask her, "What are you doing? Don't you have a place to, wait, ohhh-," I stop myself.

"Yeah, I know," before she can can say anything more, a friendly face comes in.

"Hey, girl!" Stu Mackenzie calls, "Want to sleep with me and David in the trees?" Grace writhes by and raises her hand, and the both of them frolic over to the woods.

"Okay, I've got to have a better option then that," she laughs.

Another face comes in, "Lily, care to sleep with me by the river?" Of course it's Ringo. She just shakes her head in disgust.

Finally, Keith comes back in, "It occurred to me you didn't have a place to stay, so Greg was telling me he was willing to give up his place, and that you could-,"

"Of course!" she squeals. Wow, that was easy...

Now I guess the time has come for me to get some sleep. There's certainly going to be a lot of activity tomorrow...

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