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I don't know why I didn't listen, we could have been together. A month after I stupidly told her I didn't want to be with her because she broke my heart. She found some one else that she loved just as much. I'm going to address this boy as "him". Him and her where happy together, you could say they where a "power couple". I was super jealous, and tired to win her back while that where dating. It was a inappropriate move trying to get them to break up by messaging her on all different platforms. In my head I was trying to make it look like I just wanted to be friends and I was happy for her, but It was much more than that. Our 8th grade year was coming to an end. She was happy and taken, but I was lost and single. As summer went on, me and her didn't talk much. I didn't know what was happening in her life. I wondered and thought about her all summer.  When we where together i thought we had a future. We would get married, have kids, grow old. Then we broke up and I didn't know what to do. Therefore I had to wait for someone else to come along.

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