
Start from the beginning

A few minutes after they had left I turned the lights on and checked under the bed myself. A bold move for a six-year-old. But, nothing. At least until I checked the boards. There were deep etched scratch marks on it. I immediately ran to my parent's room and asked to sleep with them. They let me.

The next few days I slept with them until they decided I was comfortable enough to go back to my room. I begged them to let me continue sleeping with them but they didn't budge.

I stayed awake the whole entire night. The tapping never started. At school I fell asleep almost the entire time. This went on for about a week, until my teacher called my mom asking if I was sleeping well. My mom eventually found out I wasn't sleeping and grounded me.

Eventually I started sleeping again. That's when the tapping started once again. Every single day I was awoken with this terrible tapping and scratching. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. I could no longer concentrate in school and my grades were terrible.

One...particular night was different.

I entered my room and went to sleep. As always the tapping woke me up after an hour or so...except this time it was on the side of the bed, where my feet were. I rubbed my eyes. I waited a bit for my eyes to accustom to the dark, and when they did I saw the most horrible thing I have ever seen in my life...sitting right beside my feet, its back towards me and its hand tapping the bed. IT WAS SITTING ON THE EDGE OF MY OWN BED.

It looked somewhat like a hairless cat, except it was humanoid. It had no hair anywhere on its body or head. Its hands were full of veins and it had huge, slightly broken fingernails. They looked like they could tear anyone's skin completely off, especially mine. The body was like an old man's body, wrinkly and old. That thing looked like it hadn't eaten in forever.

I was terrified, in shock. After a few seconds it began turning its back and head towards me. It had no eyes. Its skin covered the eye sockets and its mouth completely, like a...puppet. The nose wasn't there either.

Even though it had no eyes, it seemed to focus only on me. It radiated an emotion...sadness. It was as if it wanted me to give myself to him so he could eat me, satisfying its hunger and taking away his sadness. For some reason, I was tempted. I was in a trance, but I quickly snapped out of it and passed out from so much fear.

The next morning I awoke and immediately told my mom we had to move out. I screamed, cried and begged until she was finally convinced something was bothering me and told my dad we had to move out. So we did...

Fast forward to three years later. I now lived in a neighborhood far away from before. The image of that thing still haunted my memories and my nightmares, but I had never seen it again since that night.

I had never told my friends or family of what happened again, because they never believed me.

My little sister had been born only a few months ago. Her name was Jiully. She always slept with my parents and I was a bit jealous. I was still afraid of sleeping alone due to what happened. My friends were always making fun of me because of that.

One day my best friend Zach invited me over to sleep at his house. I was very excited to go...until I got to his house. He had recently moved to the house I used to live in. As I got my backpack full of stuff out of my mom's car a wave of fear crept over my body when I turned around to see the old house I had once lived...and almost died in.

I walked up to the old wooden door to see my friend...opening it and greeting me with a large smile.

"Took ya long enough!" He said.

"Um...yeah, sorry, is this your house?"I said silently hoping it wasn't.

"Of course it is! Who else's would it be, idiot! Now come on, let's see my new house"

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