Sakura approached him as the bell rang with an excited grin. "So are we going to meet by the tree again today? I'm really eager to see how we'll do today by running through the entire advanced choreography."

"Sure," he replied with a weak nod as he stood. One of the things that did seem to be going okay was how fast he was picking up the waltz and how good of a partner Sakura was. "After that I think I'm going to spend more time on this monologue."

She nodded in agreement as she walked with him to the second building. "Are you feeling any better? You're a bit hard to read these days."

Was he? "Your guess is as good as mine," he sighed, knowing that the answer wasn't going to satisfy her but he didn't want to lie to her.

She frowned as they came up to the staircase where they usually parted ways. "You know I'm always here for you, right? There was a misunderstanding before but my opinion about you hasn't changed. You're still Naruto to me."

He stopped after a few steps to look back at her with a pained expression. "Who is Naruto to you?"

"A knucklehead who's full of surprises," she answered as she stuck her tongue out playfully and turned down the corridor.

He felt the frown on his lips that also furrowed his brows as she walked away. If she even had a clue as to what had happened it would be the end of them. She would not only be heartbroken but he couldn't help but feel as if he would have betrayed her trust. He was a terrible friend for doing this to her... I don't deserve you...

He was quick to sit next to Shikamaru and Hinata before class started. Any time wasted gave Sasuke the opportunity to try and pull him aside. The last thing he needed was to cause a scene.

"How are you this morning?" Hinata greeted with a friendly smile though seeming mildly perturbed.

"I've been better. Preparations for this ball thing have me working a bit harder than I would like, but at least I'm learning to waltz just fine," he admitted with a relaxed sigh as he pulled out the small handbook. It felt good not to have to be so careful about what he said anymore; she seemed to have gained more confidence since they met.

"Oh? You have someone that you're escorting to the ball already?" She asked, unable to keep the curiosity from her voice.

He nodded with a grin. "Sakura signed us up for it. You're going with Sasuke, right?" There was no need for him to ask that question because it was too obvious. Her lips curved into a thin line as she nodded her head stiffly. He couldn't help but look at her inquiringly. "Isn't that a good thing?" There was something telling him that it wasn't a good idea to pry about this.

"You know... Don't you, Naruto?" she asked suddenly as her eyes stared down at the table, contemplating something.

He took in a gulp before he muttered his answer. "Yeah... So, it's only natural that you guys work together on projects and escort each other to dances, right?"

There was a small shrug as she rested her chin in her right hand. "Then why does it feel so unnatural?"

Naruto glanced over at Shikamaru who was pretending that he was occupied with studying whatever chapter he was on. He thought about what she had said before about not even liking Sasuke, but it was probably Neji that forced them to work together. It most likely also had something to do with the public image. If they were going to be married then it would be good for fellow classmates to see the façade that they both put up.

"Why do it then?" He asked aloud though he really meant to ask it to himself.

She looked up at him with a mild surprise before she shook her head. "There's nothing I can do about it, Naruto. There are just too many responsibilities that I have to take care of to not go through with it."

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