"I might take a nap," Shikamaru mused with a stifled yawn. "If I'm lucky, I might get to sleep the entire day away like some people."

"Thanks, asshole," Naruto replied casually as he slipped a t-shirt over his head. "Any last minute smartass remarks before I go?" He asked as he pulled his bag out from under his bed.

"I think I'm good," Kiba answered with a grin as the boys followed Naruto out of the room.

It felt good not to wake up thinking about something that depressed him, but he could have done without the heart attack. He couldn't help but smile at the thought that they had gone out of their way to wake him up. Never before did he think he would ever find a friend in the world, or someone who took the time to care.

The sun was warm against his back as he plodded down the trail towards the library. When he entered the building he saw a lot more students than he anticipated, crowding the various desks and nearby study rooms. Sunday must have been a tutoring/studying say for everyone.

"So glad you could make it, Naruto," Neji greeted him as if he was a distant acquaintance. "I see you have a lack of a tutor with you."

"I was thinking I would try to study independently," he lied with a nervous smile, spotting Hinata at a desk on the other side of the room.

Neji sighed, though it seemed for pensive than annoyed. "Well, get situated in a study room and if I have the time later, I'll stop by and help you."

"Thanks," he mumbled hopefully before the Hyuuga turned his attention to a table of freshmen who looked particularly confused.

He stealthily tried to make his way to Hinata without Neji noticing, and he took a seat beside her, making her jump. "Hey!"

"Oh! Naruto!" She gasped, looking in Neji's direction with a worried stare. "I didn't think you were coming."

"I actually was ordered by your cousin to study for calculus this afternoon. I'm sorry," he admitted with a frown. "I was really looking forward to talking to you."

"You were?" She whispered with a beam of joy as her cheeks turned a rosy color. "I was looking forward to it too." But why did she go to Sasuke then?

His thoughts came back to trouble him as he began to frown once more. Even though he attempted to get closer to her was it all for naught if she ended up picking Sasuke over him anyway? "Naruto?"

"Sorry," he said as he refocused. "I think I should get going." He looked to see that one study room was empty and quickly left before he would act stupidly and ask her about her partner.

He walked briskly through the rows of tables before his eyes caught sight of a familiar figure. Sasuke, approaching from a different direction, walked passed him without any notice and walked into the empty room. Wait just a goddamn minute! Paying no heed to the regulations he sprinted across the room and walked through the door with an irritated stare.

"Get out! I saw this room first!" This kind of defeats the purpose of me wanting to talk to him. But he couldn't help but react this way . It was the only way he knew how to communicate with him, and simply talking to him was going to get him nowhere.

It wasn't until Sasuke turned around to stare at him that he realized how incredibly awkward it was to be looking into those eyes once again. It had felt like ages. Sasuke tossed his books onto one of the desks without so much as a second glance his way. "There are two desks in here."

"There's also a desk back in our room."

"Brilliant. You should go use it then."

Why was he acting so blasé? Sasuke had almost kissed him on Friday... right? What exactly happened? The questioned buzzed around his head relentlessly and left an unsettling feeling in his stomach and a burning in his ears. There were so many things he wanted to ask but the Uchiha's nonchalant behavior wasn't likely to divulge the answers.

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