"Yikes," Shikamaru winced in sympathy. "That couldn't have been pleasant. He can be a bit intimidating when you first meet him."

"Just a tad," Naruto added derisively. "I didn't know what to do. My mind wanted to be anywhere but there and my legs kind of moved on their own."

"Okay. So what happened at Neji's?"

You tell me. "What do you mean?"

"When we got back, you were by yourself and you seemed a bit flustered, not to mention Neji seemed perturbed when he got back with Sasuke."

"I wish I knew," he muttered as he stared down at the half eaten fruit. "I guess I was being a bit difficult to handle, but only because I hate feeling like I'm bothering him because he has to watch after me. He's a really interesting guy I just wish..."

"That he did that stuff because he wanted to?"

His eyes went wide as he looked up to Shikamaru who retained a tranquil expression. That was a really blunt way to put it but it didn't sound wrong. "I... I guess so..."

"Sounds like you like him."

"What?!" He choked on a small piece of apple and began to cough desperately. "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not here to judge; I'm just stating what it seems like," the other boy shrugged again, seeming truly indifferent about the matter.

When he thought about it, he did feel different when he was around Neji. He always felt like he was getting hotter when he was around, especially when the boy got so close to him. Anyone with eyes could tell that Neji was attractive, but he was also intelligent and though he tried to make it seem like he was unconcerned there were subtle hints that told Naruto that he was a truly compassionate person. How did Shikamaru notice this before he did?

"Maybe I do... I don't know," his voice trailed off nervously as he hoped that the other boy would change the subject.

"It doesn't mean you're gay, if that's what bothers you." Naruto frowned at the mention. It's not that he rejected the idea; he just didn't like the thought of being labeled like that. "The fact that you attempted to make a move on Hinata is proof enough of that."

"Which brings me back to the thought of hating Sasuke," he grumbled with another bite in an attempt to shift the subject from his sexuality.

"Really? That bad?"

Naruto bit his lip as he exhaled deeply through his nose. He thought about their very first encounter and how they talked to each other earlier this morning. There was no doubt that there had been a drastic change in the way they talked to each other, but it was not enough to ignore the fact that they still got on each others' nerves.

"He is pretentious, but everybody loves him while he could care less about their feelings. There is very little that exists in his world that doesn't revolve around his own motives. He's an asshole at times and he pisses me off, but when I start to think that he might not be that bad of a guy, he does shit like that to make me hate him all over again." 'That' was referring to the apparent cock block that had taken place before macroeconomics.

Shikamaru nodded thoughtfully as he looked up through the tree branches. "That sounds a lot more like it. Do you feel better?"

Now that he thought about it, it actually felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "Y-yeah... How did you do that?"

The other boy smiled faintly with another yawn, "I told you, you looked like you needed someone to talk to."

"Thanks doc, what do I owe you?" He joked, trying to lighten to mood now that he felt a lot better.

"Don't ever hesitate to talk to me," he stated and the two boys smiled at each other.

"So, this is where you've been hiding."

The sudden voice made them jump, and Naruto dropped his apple. A boy, about the same height as Naruto, emerged from behind a tree with a smile that held nothing resembling actual happiness. Naruto noticed him as the freakishly pale boy that Neji was talking to in calc the other day.

"Sai?" Shikamaru inquired. "What are you doing here?"

"Kurenai and Neji were wondering where Naruto had disappeared to, and I offered to help track him down."

Fuck. He had forgotten that Neji was also in his math class; of course he would notice that he was gone. Why did he never think these things through?

"I'm so relieved to know that you're okay, Naruto," Sai said, feigning relief expertly, though Naruto was not deceived. Who the hell was this prick? "If you are feeling well enough, would you like to accompany me back to the classroom?"

Something about this guy was unsettling. Though his actions, at a glance, would seem genuine there was a slight undertone that negated all of that smiling. "Sure..." He muttered guiltily as he stood and the two boys followed close behind him.

The bell had rung as soon as they arrived back at the classroom, and Kurenai seemed anything but pleased.

"Ditching on your second day, Naruto?" She scolded. "Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

"N-no," he whispered as he bowed his head in shame.

The class exited the room slowly, taking in the sight of Naruto being lectured by the teacher. Sasuke walked by him with a quizzical look before turning out the door along with the rest of the class.

"This was my fault," Shikamaru cut in before she could issue a punishment. "I pressured Naruto into ditching with me because I had nothing better to do. I knew he'd say yes because he's new."

What are you doing, fool?! Naruto gaped at him in disbelief. Did he really just take all the blame?

Kurenai pursed her lips together in thought as her gaze shifted between the two boys. "I guess that's believable. But I won't tolerate ditching from you another time," she pointed her finger at Naruto accusingly. "As for you, Nara. Detention after school. You can help our janitors scrub the hallways. You are both dismissed."

They bowed their heads in apology before they exited the room without a word.

As he felt that they had walked a safe distance Naruto turned to Shikamaru in anger. "What the hell was that?!"

"You already had detention yesterday. I don't mind," came the indolent answer.

"But... why would you do that for me?" He croaked.

There was a brief silence as they made their way down to the first for to prepare for history class. "It's what friends do, I suppose."

Friend? He never thought he would live to see the day where someone would use that word in reference to him. But considering all the trouble Shikamaru had just gone through to make sure that he was okay the title was appropriate.

And for a moment, nothing really mattered. He momentarily forgot about Sasuke and Hinata. He forgot about Neji. He forgot about his feeling towards this school. Because Naruto Uzumaki had made a friend, and for a moment, he was truly content.

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