"Hey! You almost done?" He called out eagerly.

"What's it to you?" he replied casually.

"Damnit, just answer the question!" A brief moment of silence passed before he realized the Uchiha was not going to answer. "Fine!" Not a lot of time had passed since he had gone in there anyways; he could play the waiting game.

He sat back down on his bed to alleviate the uneasiness. After 10 minutes went by he noticed his leg began to shake on its own while the discomfort in his bladder escalated. It was no good to sit any longer and he jumped up before beginning a rapid pace across the room. Just don't think about it. I'm just doing some light exercises, nothing I can't handle. His fingers tapped anxiously at his sides as he paced around the couch. Only after 10 more minutes had passed did he slam his fists into the bathroom door.

"Hey! Get out of there! Now!" He demanded crossly, unable to stop himself from dancing uncomfortably while standing in one spot.

"Impatient, are we?"

"There's no way you're even going to the bathroom! You're doing this to piss me off, aren't you?!"

"Your grasp of the obvious is beyond compare," he enunciated the last part mockingly.

He clenched his teeth together though a faint hiss escaped before he curled his lips into a thoughtful grin. "If you don't get the hell out I'm going to use the kitchen sink."

"Do it, and die," his reply retained a sort of casual tone as if to call the young blond out on his bluff. There was something mildly threatening about the way he said it that Naruto felt as if he shouldn't push his luck.

"I REALLY have to go!" He whined loudly with another pound at the door. Dancing around was already beginning to lose its effectiveness. "Get out of there!"

"Let me finish this chapter."

"You're reading?" He exclaimed, now even more irritated than before. "Stop acting like you're fucking five! Get out!"


"I swear to god!" He yelled as he slammed his fist into the door again. "I'll break down the damn door if I have to!"

"Says the kid who couldn't pin me down?"

"That's because you're a fat-ass, but a door is no problem," he bluffed pitifully. A small pause ensued and he could imagine the cocky smile spreading across Sasuke's lips.

The door swiftly opened catching Naruto by surprise. A shirtless Sasuke leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed arrogantly. "What was that? I could have sworn I heard you utter more of your bullshit but I'm not quite sure," he said with a sly smirk playing at the sides of his mouth.

No! Don't look! Naruto couldn't keep his eyes from trailing over the Uchiha's form. Of course he would be well aware of how well-built he was, but that didn't mean he had to rub it in. This isn't helping... A weird pressure began to form in his chest, making his face feel unbearably hot.

"No smartass remark?" he questioned mockingly as he pushed himself from the doorframe.

"Go fuck yourself," he hissed under compulsion though his gaze dropped to the floor. The pounding in his chest swelled with an unwarranted heat that left him feeling slightly dizzy. What's wrong with me? He couldn't deny that the way they were talking to each other was still considerably less hostile than yesterday.

A firm knock on the door snapped him back into reality momentarily. Sasuke looked back questioningly as he reached his desk and Naruto answered the door. "Neji?" He breathed in a barely audible whisper, "I thought you were going to be here in 10 minutes."

"I'm sorry for thinking that you wouldn't wait until the last minute to get ready," he said while raising his brow in speculation.

"What are you doing here?" Sasuke snapped, his tone was much more bitter, now, unlike moments before. Naruto glanced back to see that even the self-righteous look in his eyes changed to the familiar icy glare of yesterday.

"I'm here to pick up Naruto," Neji answered calmly seeming unperturbed by the Uchiha's sudden condescension.

The sophomore looked between the two seniors feeling as though he had missed something extremely significant. Neji's expression held a sort of apathy while Sasuke had a calm yet visibly annoyed poise.

"Naruto," the Hyuuga interrupted his train of thought.


"I'm waiting."

"Oh! Uhh... I have to pee." He couldn't help but take one more look at Sasuke, who only managed to scowl back at him. What's going on?

When he emerged from the bathroom, Neji was gone and his roommate had seated himself on the couch with a much more tranquil expression.

"Your babysitter would like you to join him at the entrance," the raven muttered into his clasped hands.

"Mind explaining to me why there were murderous glares all around just a second ago?"

"I mind a great deal, thanks," he spat back with a disdainful frown. "Get lost. I've had just about as much of you as I can stand for today."

Back to square one... I guess? He walked from the room wordlessly, not wanting to revive the hostility that had gotten them in trouble with Iruka. As the door clicked shut he let a familiar heavy sigh pass his lips, relieving some of the pressure from his chest.

"You're the new kid, right?"

He turned his head slowly to see another boy standing in the doorway of the room right across the hall. "That would be me. Naruto Uzumaki."

"Shikamaru Nara," he returned the introduction lazily. "That was quite a ruckus you two caused yesterday. It woke me up from my nap."

"I'm surprised you didn't come to check on it," he tried to laugh it off. He really wasn't in the mood to indulge in this kind of conversation.

"I had half the mind to, but I figured either Sasuke deserved it, or you're just incredibly stupid."

"Good talking with you," he snapped dismissively as he turned down the hall.

"You can't blame me for being honest," he called after him.

"What if I'm not in the mood for honesty?" he asked as he glanced back.

The boy gave a tired smile before he waved his hand in farewell. "When you are in the mood you know where to find me. Nice meeting you, Naruto."

"Likewise, Shikamaru," he nodded, unable to keep a contented smile from his face. Despite how discouraged he felt earlier, the small encounter was able to make him feel satisfied once more.

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