Chapter 4-Don't Dream it's over

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Chapter 4-Don't Dream it's over


Goal: 2 votes, 8 views, 3 comments

Song: {cover} Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus- Don't Dream it's over

Thanks guys for taking your time to even scan the first few line of this chapter, luv yah! Makes sure to vote, comment, and follow/ add this book in your library to see when the book updates chow!

Thanks guys for taking your time to even scan the first few line of this chapter, luv yah! Makes sure to vote, comment, and follow/ add this book in your library to see when the book updates chow!

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[there is a second picture to look at before you start the chapter it's her outfit]


The bodycon dress.

That is what she had laid out for me.

It was identical to the one laid out for me this morning, that I had thoroughly ignored this morning due to the fact that I was scarcely farouche to wear the dress in front of them, even if I did spend a whole summer to look this accomplished.

The unclad color was gorgeous it was lighter than my skin tone, making it conspicuous that this was a dress rather than coalescing well with my skin. It was tight and you could visually perceive the line of my undergarments it would show anyone's curves off so virtually.

She placed it in my hand and Cassie took out a hair dryer, along with a curler and an enormous bag of makeup, I was a bit taken a back from the amount stored in the diminutive bag. Taking a deep breath in and optically canvassing the dress with sorrowful perceivers, I commenced to divest out of what was now sticky soda filled apparel.

After, I slipped it on I looked up to catch Cassie and Rita's eyes and they looked at me with such shock," Is it that bad," I managed to breath out.

" Bad? Bad ? Honey, you are stunning if I were a guy I would thoroughly bang," Rita japed making us all rage into a fit of cachinnation. But then I halted and I was no longer relinquishing the sound of bliss, my cerebrations went back to the mortification I felt moments back in the lunchroom.

Peculiar feels stirs in the pit of my stomach.

"Well,then let's get to work shall we," she offered, breaking what was an inelegant silence. We all went to work, well they did and I just stood like a statue waiting for them to work their magic on me.

"Hmmh ", I hummed and as I perpetuated they give each other kenning looks they smile and they sing, this was the musical composition my parents use to sing to us when they were alive, I wish my foster parents did it now.

" There is freedom within, there is freedom without, Try to catch a deluge in a paper cup. There's a battle ahead many battles are lost. But you'll never see the end of the road While you're traveling with me." Cassie crooned with such zealousness, she sang it exactly like mom did and she was alive and with the music and the whole time while curling my hair.

"Hey now, hey now. Don't dream it's over. Hey now, hey now. When the world comes in. They come, they come. To build a wall between us. We know they won't win," And as we converged this was the sound the filled my auditory perceivers for the time I was in the bathroom.


When I looked back at the mirror, what I saw wasn't me, what I saw was a stunning model done by the work of two teenage girls and one which transpires to be a model herself. Turning in the mirror to look at my curves and butt that had been complimented nicely by the dress itself.

"Ready, to go back out?" Rita questioned with an allusion of encouragement in her voice, she met my eyes and smiled at me.

Giving her a mischievous smirk, I nod my head at them and ambulate over to the bathroom door and push it open, my heels echoed through the vacuous hallway and suddenly this empowerment had built up inside of me, with my curled locks bouncing up and down as I took steps. My dressed moved along with my body as it was affixed to it and my heels where impeccably rhythmed with my steps. I open the cafeteria door and took one loud step in.

It's like time had ceased everyone looked my way and eyes were being gazed my ways and glares from the girls that couldn't stop their boyfriends from holding their list out of their eyes.


Did Cassie and Rita really do that smashing of a job?

Just as I was relishing the few seconds of the taste of fame, Jenna as usual ruins everything even her relationship with her virginity.

"What!" she screeched for the whole cafeteria to hear," First, you walk in her like a slut and then you insult me, which makes you sound like an idiot by the way," she declared in front of everyone.

My bad for saying that out loud.

" Oops my bad, I forgot being a slut was your job, and of course I sound like an idiot how else would you understand?" They were a bunch of "oooooh's" and a plethora of snorts that were being pointed towards the pity that was being sent to Jenna.

" Are you done being a bitch and gonna to move or are your legs still sore from the number of guys you fucked last night," I sneered at her and what she calls friends, were clearing out from this mortifying scene.

Her faces flushes and turns pale, and with her ocular perceivers turning glassy, she strived to propel me to fall on my face but, thankfully she had the arms of twigs and caused nothin but more disconcertment. If mortification was a way you could die, she would long gone by now. Just then the school bell rang and everyone got up some people, poking fun at Jenna while her minions stood by her side dealing with her poutiness and tantrum.

How unfortunate .

As all the students came rushing out of the cafeteria all while shoving Jenna.

Was I too harsh?


That bitch saw it coming,

A tap to the shoulder is what snap me out of my trance of cerebrating. Noah. It figures, when I turned around to meet his face which I was revolted by his presents because it brought tortuous memories back into my mind.

How fun.

"Have I seen you some place afore," he questions with a sly grin and what I consider terrible flirting.

I groan and roll my eyes at him," Yes, and that's why I've stop going there," I retorted back.

"Feisty, I relish them like that, your place or mine," he wiggles his eyebrow suggestively.

I simply smile back and answer his question, " How about both," I pause to make him cerebrate that he was going to get it twice, " You go to yours and I go to mine place."

I simply smile back and wave my hand in the air afore turning it into a solo finger in the air. It just so transpire to be my favorite finger, the middle one.
Damn. Two chapters in one day I'm on a roll and Happy Memorial Day enjoy your day and if you don't celebrate it then have a good day. Luv you guys follow me and show me some luv by voting. Hasta Luego.
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