I logged into my student account to check my account inquiry, and I stared at the screen in confusion: my tuition for the next two semesters had already been paid in full, I didn't owe any money for the entire year.

"What the fûck?" I whispered to myself. I checked the account information and saw that it had been paid for at the start of the school year. I sat in silence, thinking of only one person that would've done this for me, but we haven't spoken in nearly eight months, he couldn't have.

Sadie walked through the front door, greeting me with a smile.

"Don't look at me like that," I said. "I know about the Facebook group, but we'll talk about that later. Listen to this, my entire senior year tuition has already been paid for."

She looked at me confused. "Your entire year? That's like fifteen or twenty thousand dollars, Jill, how'd you manage that?"

"I didn't."

She sat down next to me and I showed her my account activity, and her eyes widened at the most recent payment. "Do you think it was him?"

I sighed and leaned back against the couch. "I mean, who else would pay for my tuition in full? He's the only person I could think of that would do this. But we haven't talked since January, why would he suddenly do this?"

She shrugged. "Birthday gift?"

I pondered for a moment but shook my head. "I never told him when my birthday was."

"I don't know, Jill, but it seems like you might have to contact him to find out." She said. "And also to thank him."


I stared at his contact information in my phone, wanting to dial the number but also not wanting to hear his voice. What if he's moved on? Maybe he's with Emma now. I hadn't seen him in any magazines lately, it had seemed like he went back under the radar like he was before we dated.

Just as I was about to click DIAL, I heard the front door open and Connor soon appeared in my doorway.

"Oh, hey, Jill," he greeted with his gorgeous smile. "Have you seen Sadie?"

"Uh, no, actually, I don't think she's back from class yet."

"Oh, well shît. She had me bring her a snack from the bakery down the street and she's not even here."

"She'll be back soon," I laughed. He nodded and walked a little further into my room, gazing at the decorations.

"I like your space." He commented.

"Thanks, I like finally having my own room." I said. I felt much more free and less stressed about keeping the space tidy since I wasn't sharing with anyone now. Plus, Sadie was extremely messy and I didn't want to share with her.

"I don't blame you, also, I wanted to ask you something." He began, just as my phone was buzzing. I looked down and saw Liam's number and held up my finger to Connor.

"Can you hold on one second? It's work, I have to take this."

He nodded as I answered, "Hi, Liam."

"Hey, Jillian, don't forget you're booked this upcoming weekend for Elle magazine." He said. "The times have been updated so I'll need you there at nine o'clock on Saturday morning, okay?"

Sadie walked through the front door and I could hear her and Connor talking in the living room.

"Yeah, I'll be there. Do you want me to meet at your office?"

Give Me Some Sugar, Daddy (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now