Chapter 3

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Song up above: Carry It by RZA, Travis Barker and Tom Morello

"Diffliculties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body." - Seneca

Asia takes the students through the corridors of the school, first showing them the student lounge and gym. Each of the recruits look around the room, in awe of the size and space of the room. Danyelle is then approached by an Asian boy, wearing a navy blue jacket, with white stripes on his sleeves.

"Cool place huh?" the boy asks her, hoping to start a conversation. Danyelle then turns around towards the boy, looking into his eyes with a calm intensity.

"It's pretty straight, although I could do without a few assholes that claim to be better than everyone else. So I don't think you want to be an arrogant brute around me." the boy then chuckles thinking Danyelle's warning is funny.

"Well, I'm not like those type of people. I believe in helping out your fellow man, looking out for the little guy. You know, being humble." Danyelle then smirks at the boy, thinking that his intentions are sweet.

"Well, you have just earned my respect Mr..." the boy then extends his hand out to her, attempting to introduce himself to her.

"Aaron Zhang, pleased to meet you Ms..." Danyelle shakes his hand, accepting the respectful introduction in good faith.

"I am Danyelle Isabella Faust, pleased to meet you as well Aaron. So, what style are you special in?" Danyelle wonders.

"I'm a 4th dan in Escrima, also known as Kali and I am a 2nd dan in Jeet Kune Do. I have been fighting since I was a kid, I even fought in the UFC once. I retired with a 19-0 record, even becoming a Light Heavyweight Champion." Laura notices Danyelle talking to Aaron and a shocked look comes over her face.

"Aaron? Is that you?" she questions him. As soon as he turns around, he sees Laura approaching him and a smile appears across his face. Aaron embraces Laura with a gentle hug while Danyelle looks on very puzzled.

"You two know each other?" Danyelle wonders.

"Yeah, we used to go to high school together, all the way back in Compton. That's me and Aaron's hometown before I moved here to New Jersey. He always had my back through and through!" Aaron blushes upon Laura's revelation to Danyelle, feeling a bit modest about it in the process.

"So, where do you live now Aaron?" Danyelle wonders.

"Well, I live in Long Island. I applied to go to this school over 6 months ago. I actually got a scholarship to attend, even though it doesn't have any general education classes for me to take. But they do have Masters that teach us foreign languages." Danyelle nods her head impressed by Aaron's background. Laura sees Vanessa approaching her, Danyelle and Aaron with great interest and curiosity.

"So who's the hot guy?" Vanessa asks, making Aaron grin while chuckling.

"This is an old friend of mine, Aaron this is Vanessa Urban, Vanessa this is Aaron Zhang." the two then shake hands, making eye contact with one another. Vanessa couldn't stop staring into Eric's dark brown eyes, feeling her heart skip a beat past a second. Aaron notices that she has a blank stare going into his eyes, but he finds it adorable nonetheless.

"You know, you're pretty cute for someone who looks rather on the timid and emo side." Vanessa smirks, feeling flattered by Aaron's kind compliment towards her. Vanessa takes two steps towards Aaron, arriving in his personal space.

"Well, I am not by any means timid and emo, I just dress like this because it looks good on me. I actually love having a good conversation and I know when to have fun with people as well. Don't worry, I won't bite... much." Aaron laughs, impressed by Vanessa's easy going attitude.

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