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{Jäger's POV}

The party was about to begin but first Oscar had to give a speech

"We are gathered within this room today to celebrate the defeat of the notorious white Fang and to celebrate those whom defeated the Fang I wish you all a great night of partying. Have fun my students!" Said Oscar before the music came on.

I was dressed in my fanciest Vietnamese mini blazer and jeans that complimented my hair.

"Hey Jäger you look sick my dude!" Said Xander.
"You to." I said while giggling.
I could see Nathaniel and izadora dancing in the middle of the room having a great time.
"Did you come with anyone?" Asked Xander.
"Nah. I'm not like that." I answered.
"That's a bummer. I asked Gabriela from team DNGR and she actually said yes! I'm so excited!!" Xander said.
"Good for you." I said feeling like he was rubbing salt in my wound.
"Oh yeah. Uh maybe if you get out there you'll find one." Xander said winking.
"Like I said. I'm not like that. I just continue to drink the punch." I said.
"Well... Ok. Sorry if-"
"It's alright. Go be with your girl." I said cutting Xander off.
"Yes sir." He said heading off.
I took a few more sips of punch before Ruby actually checked up on me.
"He Jäger how's it going?" The scarlet hoodie wearer asked.
"I don't know. I'm just enjoying the punch." I responded.
"Oh. Socially awkward?" She asked.
"Yep." I said without a second thought.
"Well." She said taking a glass of punch "cheers to being socially awkward!" She said.
I merely chuckled as I 'toasted' to my awkwardness.
"Thanks, It helps a little." I said.
"No problem I wanna help my students. Besides you took down the white Fang it's the least I could do." She said. I giggled at that remembering the events off yesterday.

"Students the band/singing competition will be starting in 10 minutes please be ready if you are participating." Said an overhead voice.

"We should get going." I said. Ruby agreed and we moved backstage with all the other participants.

Team CFVY was up first with the song "caffeine" by whom I'm no so sure but it fit them.

After that was Ren and Nora.
What they chose was really unexpected to me.
You wouldn't believe how great Ren can rock the mic with 'September' by earth, wind and fire. I'm sure half way through the song I could see Nora starring at Ren while drooling.

And last before us was team DNGR singing 'dream come true' and I'm sure that I could see Gabriela look at Xander whenever the main part of the song was sung.

Our time to shine was near I could feel the crowds expectations raise from the last few amazing song.

"We ready?" I asked
"Yep." Said Ruby
"I'm ready." Said Weiss
"Sure." Said Blake.
"I'm ready!!" Said Yang
"Alright let's go." I said opening the curtains

"And for our final show we have team RWBY plus 1!" Said an overhead voice.

We all got into position me on mic, Yang drums, Weiss keytar, Blake bass, and Ruby standard guitar.

The crowd was silent the lights were dim the song was right and we were ready.

Then the song starts.

"Brothers in arms are you ready for the stand, blood on the ground and mud on your hand, take another breath and take another shot, you thing you're gonna break you think you gonna die,
Get off the dirt and listen to the crowd screaming your name, screaming out loud
I know you think you cant, I know you think you're done, but we can't stop until we've won

You're not alone!! We're not afraid! This is are moment it won't come again!! So lean on me and fight your fear, we will not except defeat!!

Get up, when your body's screaming out
Get up, when your hopes fading out
Get up, the lights are dimming out
Get up, when your strength is waning

Raise your eyes tell your mind to lift yourself one more time
gotta get up, get up, get up, get up, get up!!!"

During this instrumental break the crowd was going wild I couldn't even imagine how crazy the crowd was.

We continued singing and finished the song easily getting the win in the competition.
I don't really know what we won but we won something.
After the competition the party resumed as normal and I went back to being socially awkward. Then something weird happened.
"Hey." Said Weiss.
Weiss came over to willingly talk to me.
That's not usually.

"Hey Weiss, what brings you over here?" I asked
"I wanted to ask why are you over here all alone?" Said Weiss.
"I'm not the most extraverted, I'm not a party man I guess." I responded
"Why not find a dance partner?" Asked Weiss
"I'm not the greatest dancer." I said.
"Some I asked to go to a party with me turned me down for that very reason I went with him anyway. don't get yourself down about that." Said Weiss
"Thanks Weiss." I said.
"Wait here I know just the person." Said Weiss

I few moments pass by before Weiss returned
"She'll dance but you need to come to her." Said Weiss.
"Fair enough." I said.

We make our way to the center of the room squeezing our way between the masses but I soon lost Weiss.
I was struggling to find the snow queen when soon I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Shall we dance." I heard a voice say. I turned around to see it was Yang in a gorgeous yellow dress with beauty beyond that of the sun.

"Oh uh um. *ahem* yes I'd like that." I say as I outstretched my hand taking hers.
"So what're your thoughts about all that happened? It was a lot." I asked.
"I'd do it again if I had to." Yang replied.
"Even getting beat by me?" I said.
"Even that." Said Yang
"I'd do it all again if I had to as well."

And we danced the night away.........


Hey. Yeah it's me. The author. I haven't had a 1 on 1 conversations with you guys yet. Even that one guy at the beginning of chapter 7 I believe wasn't really me. But I digress. It's been a lovely ride with you all and to all the people reading this very text right now I want to let you know you guys and gals are AWESOME you helped me awaken this new burning passion of mine and I love you all for that ❤️ this is truly the end of this book but I never said I would stop creating more books or even sequels or prequels. So to all you out there reading this. Have a virtual hug! *hugs* until next time. Have a great *insert time of day here* ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

RWBY: The tale of a JINXed man. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن