Chapter Fifteen- "Okay"

Comenzar desde el principio

"Jessica also told me she wasn't sure what you wanted her to do with her ring, should she be training on her own, should she try to stop being scared so much, basically, she's wondering if you have a training regimen you'd like her to follow.

"Um, wow, I guess I never really thought about that," Jaina scratched the back of her head. "I usually just go with my gut. I'm not like Bart, but I am kinda impulsive."

"I-I've found that I get more nervous if I don't know what's going to happen, or if something gets unpredictable," Jessica supplied.

"Okay, that's another thing to work on," Jaina said, biting her lip. 

"How about a compromise," Dinah suggested. "Together, you come up with a general outline of a training program, but if Jaina sees fit to make any changes, then she will notify Jessica and explain them to her. No surprises."

"Okay," Jessica sat up a bit more.

"I can do that," Jaina smiled hopefully at her apprentice, and for a second, Jessica smiled back.

Dinah smiled at both of them. "Do you feel better about all this, Jessica?" 

Jessica nodded. "Yeah, I am."

"Taking the medicine I asked you?"

"No, I'm sorry," Jessica started to curl up again, "What was it again?"

"It's just fine, sweetie. They're probiotics, I gave M'gann plenty of backups if you need them, they're all over the Cave's kitchen." 

"I'm sorry I'm not doing as you asked, I...I've never really had therapy before. M-my family didn't have much money for that, much less medicine. You guys really don't have to do all this for me, I-I don't want to be a burden.

"Oh sweetie, I promise you, you're not. We're here to help you, and we aren't going to make you go somewhere or do something you don't want to do."

"Okay..." Jessica's ring hissed.

"So how about you two get started on that regimen we talked about?" Canary offered her chair to Jaina and left the room.

"Okay." Jaina uncomfortably settled into Dinah's chair, facing Jessica. 

"Okay..." they had said that word so much already today, it was starting to lose its meaning. Jaina scratched at her head, trying to think. 

"Okay, I can teach you how to fly fast and you can already create your own constructs like nobody's business. We can work on that during regular training with the team once a week, and if you're comfortable with it, maybe the two of us can practice a couple more times during the week. Does that sound good?"

Jessica nodded. "Yeah, that sounds okay." 

Jaina played with a split end. She really needed to get her hair cut. "But, I also told you that I was going to help you overcome that ring, and since it's powered by fear, that means helping you overcome your fears, but you've got anxiety, so it's not just going to go away." Jaina rambled.

"Right," Jessica nodded, both girls staring at Power Ring.

"Um...list some things you're scared of." Jaina blurted out.

Jessica replied almost immediately. "Large crowds, small spaces, water, school, guns, people hating me, annoying other people, loud noises, suffocating-"

"Okay, let's start with those then. Start small, don't overwhelm yourself.

"Okay, crowds. What makes you so scared of crowds?" Jaina prompted.

Jessica had to think for a moment. "Mostly's the people. They're always pushing and shoving and they're really loud and it's overwhelming and I feel like I can't breathe."

Jaina nodded, deep in thought. 

"Start small," she reminded herself.

Struck with an idea, Jaina snapped her fingers suddenly, startling Jessica.

"Sorry," Jaina winced, checking to make sure Jessica was really okay. 

"Are...are you cool with all the other girls on the team? You've met Barbra, and Karen, and M'gann, and Cassie, and BC, and they're all nice, right?"

"Yeah, they're nice," Jessica traced the pattern on the chair. "Cassie's a little...overbearing, though.

"Hmm..."Jaina tapped her chin. "Rocket, aka Raquel, from the Justice League, is having a bridal shower because she's getting married soon. I don't think you've met her or Zatanna yet, but you could come with me, get you used to being outside and around people, I guess. You don't have to, if you don't want to," She added quickly, though she meant it with all her heart.

Jessica bit her lip, "It wouldn't be a problem, would it?"

"Not at all," Jaina shook her head. "I need to get out more, not just for hero work."

"Okay," Jessica nodded slowly. "I'll go."

"You don't have to come if you don't want to," Jaina reminded her, hoping Jessica didn't feel pressured into it.

"It's okay," Jessica attempted to smile. "I need to get out more too."

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