The plan

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"Wait wait wait- let me get this straight," came the flustered pitches of the fae. " You want me to infiltrate your institution to protect a boy from this.. Sith?"

"Dark Lord," corrected Professor Snape.

Turning towards the man adorned in ebony with a narrowed gaze huffed" Whatever," she scoffed quite rudely. It wasn't that she meant to come off as overbearing and impolite- but she had a very rough night, from witnessing her home planet being annihilated before her very eyes, to being kidnapped and brought to a strange place that she had never heard of- forced to baby sit a thirteen year old from a perverted old coot who had a strange fetish for little boys with scars on their faces. Seriously, couldn't they have done it themselves? She had a whole galaxy to worry about! Not counting the many other sectors that have been ravaged by the Empire.

Headmaster Dumbledore pinched the bridge of his nose as his head bowed in thought; eyebrows furrowed. This was getting them no where, and obviously this teenager wasn't buying anything they were saying- what was he thinking! She had come from a different time- no- age altogether.. Surely this would have major consequences? Professor Snape however seemed convinced that this was the right thing to do- why? Because by the code and law of the Jedi they generally weren't supposed to interfere in anyway with the happenings of internal affairs in these kind of situations- unless of corse instructed to which this young girl wasn't. This main fact was the breaking point of the debate the Headmaster had with the professor. If nothing was going to be changed then the balance of the would would be retained- and an extra helping hand never hurt anyone in either case.

Weary eyes glazed over Princess Leia as he sighed, sizing her up. She did have a presence, and great potential for power.. It just needed to be honed somehow..

"Definitely a Gryffindor," came a random comment towards the elder's right.

" I agree.. But if this is going to work.. She would have to be put in Slytherin.." Turning to the Sorting Hat continued, " You do know that right?"

"Aye, but for that she would have to remain oblivious correct?"

Chuckling, the Headmaster nodded as he took a deep breath, " Unfortunately.."

"Won't it cause complications for the girl?" came the concerned play of Professor McGonagall who had just walked into Dumbeldor's office and planted herself to the right of the Sorting Hat. A scolding look was drawn as she addressed the headmaster, " What if she gets confused?"

"The princess will manage," his indifference had made it clear- he had, had enough of the girl and his Defense of the Dark Arts teacher's squabbling, and stepped into the scene.

" BUT I DONT HAVE MAGIC!!" came Princess Leia's retort- aggression hung on her every word. All she wanted to do was to go back to her era and world- this place..felt so wrong and out of place. Granted she had visited other ethereal bodies that had inhabitants less intelligent than an insect- but even insects knew their way around and adapted somehow. This was absolutely ridiculous! How could she- a mere magicless mortal blend in with an entire school drowned in those who practiced such primeval things?

"The force is with you is it not?" cut in Dumbledore.

"I beg your pardon?" came princess Leia's inquisition.

"The Force it's strong with you?" He repeated.

Narrowed eyes met that of the spectacled other- his choice of words seemed to ring awkwardly in her auditory frames, " Perhaps," she stated humbly. At least.. She did present signs of having it, she mused silently, completely falling deaf to the other's instructions.

"Ehehem," coughed Professor Snape snapping her into attention.

" Is that clear?" concluded the headmaster- who only received a blank gaze.

Shaking herself out of the daze frowned, a true Jedi wouldn't turn down a job like this- and her parents wouldn't turn down an opportunity to aid those who needed it- be it negotiations or lending forces. Sighing deeply, knew what she had to do and finally yielded. " I'm sorry, can you run that by me again?" her notes were warmer and more controlled- even diplomatic.

Professor McGonagall had empathized with the young she, and had cut in explaining simply as she approached with the conical adornment , " This Sorting Hat will-"

"GET THAT THING AWAAY FROM ME!" Leia burst backing into the Headmaster who now stood behind her.

" I can't be that repulsive," played hurtful tunes of the pointed accessory as he looked upward at the witch carrying him.

Pursing her lips, Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and continued, " As I was saying, you will be sorted into a House, which will be your home for the next year; all your textbooks, items, and lodging will be provided at no cost. All we ask is that you watch over the boy Harry Potter- at least until we are positive he's not in danger anymore."

Looking thoughtfully at the woman sighed deeply as Leia asked, " And how may I ask, am I supposed to blend in with students twice my junior? Obviously they will suspect something when a fifteen year old had been assigned to their second year."

"She has a point.." prompted the Sorting Hat who only received a softer yet distrustful gaze from the young maid.

A long awkward pause seemed to rise as their supposedly fool proof plan came up with a nasty fluke. Leia on the other hand, empathized with the band before her- relating this to the threat of the Empire and Siths, knew very much how living under fire would be- even more so having been a victim of injustice herself. Brows furrowing in thought, soon drew a crooked sly grin.

" I have an idea.."

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