Port Key

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When light pierced through the darkness of the room in which she was held captive, she most definitely knew that what was to come..wouldn't end well. This strange sensation however..call it intuition or just a strong sense of hope and that someone was coming lingered in her heart..unable to explain this strange sense of confidence pulled herself up to her full height and proceeded without fear. She had a duty to fulfill, and feeling pity and victimizing oneself the way she did the first couple hours she had been detained wasn't the way to do it.

As she was escorted by a handful of armed figures in white, she allowed her mind to drift as she tried to find a way out..taking note of her current situation really couldn't see a clear cut way and fell into a sea of doubt again. Death wasn't what she feared most..rather it was what would become of the known galaxies should the plans be retrieved by the Siths. Luckily however she had already sent her lucky star, a model R2D2 off the vessel with a set of instructions and the Plan. When the narrow hall opened into a large spacious room glazed in grays and deep dark hues, the putrid stench of electrical radiation played into her sense. When one lingered in such a dark clustered place filled with electrical machines, it wasn't a surprise that such a perfume would hang on the very air you breathed after all. "Talk about bad ventilation" she mocked mentally.

Her eyes soon drew in a focus on a very familiar face that made her clench her fists in reflex. "Ah, Governor Tarkin, should've known I smelled a rat," she hissed flatly.

The older officer just chuckled, " Charming as always," his sarcastically humorous notes played as he continued with a level yet polite voice, " you won't believe how difficult it was for me to sign the order to exterminate you."

Lea just scoffed, "Don't make me laugh," played in sarcastic pitches, " I'm surprised you had the chivalry to take the responsibility yourself."

"My dear princess, you are too kind," Tarkin mocked as he placed a hand above his heart as he bowed his head; dark glinting eyes never leaving hers. "Now Princess Leia, before your demise, I would like to have you as a guest at this battle station's opening ceremony. No star, planet or ship would dare oppose the Emperor now.

Leia's frown seemed like a statue of a gargoyle upon an elegant room, fierce and never changing, " The tighter the grip, the more star systems you will lose,"

The Governor just smiled as he walked casually around the room, " Not after we demonstrate the magnitude of power this station yields. And my dear, you have drawn the lucky card," he turned to the royal, " You have determined which planet would meet its end first." Pausing to add emphasis grinned a sinister half grin showing some ivory whites, " Alderaan."

Eyes widened to twice their original circumference the moment she heard the name,

" No you can't she gasped, " Alderaan is a peaceful planet, we have no weapons-you can't-" she was cut off when Tarkin proposed, " How about another target? A military target? Just name it!" he declared with a smirk.

Stepping closer to the young maiden, pinned her against Darth Vader, "All you have to do is merely tell me where the Rebel Base is."

Soulful, and fearful eyes darted to the image on the wide screen, her home visibly centered upon the galactical-black background dotted with tiny twinkling lights. "Dantooine..they're on Dantooine."

Feeling accomplished, Governor Tarkin turned to the Sith before him, "See my Lord? She can be reasonable. " Turning to face the screen ordered, "Continue with the operation, fire when ready."

And just like that..everyone was gone.

"Take her away," came the Governor's stern tones, basking in the shattered confident air the young rebellious princess of fifteen carried.

And as she was escorted back to an empty room, her whole mind seemed to dig deep into the inner most recess of her mental labyrinth. Tears engulfed her eyes the moment the doors slid shut, and only the sound of her quiet sobbing lingered on the stagnant air now.

Hands cupping around her face just sat on the ground, as her forehead bowed to meet the tops of her knees. "What am I to do..?" she sniffled quietly.

Reaching in her pocket for the handkerchief that she had always carried, pulled out the pastel blue cloth only to find a small object- no a small crumpled piece of paper roll out. Had it not been for the strange urge drawn by the Force, she would've over looked the thing; but something in her inner most being and gut told her to pick it up and give it a read.

Within a moment, her world began to twist on contact with the strange parchment as she was sucked into a wormhole of sorts-how else could she explain such a happening? Her stomach twisted and churned, traveling at a speed she assumed was faster than sound and possibly even light as she knew it.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed as she finally saw light at the end of the dark tunnel. A loud thud was heard the moment her body drummed atop the surface of what seemed to be wooden flooring. It took a good two minutes before she was conscious again, and as she pulled herself onto her knees where she was now seated, felt the insides of her stomach twist as her last meal worked its way up her pipeline. Wrapping a hand around her center leaned forward and braced herself atop her right arm and threw up.

" A natural response for first timers," came level, aged lyrics from behind.

Hearing a voice whipped round and backed herself to a wall as she whipped her mouth with the back of sleeve. "F-first-time?" she blurted out at once, controlling the wrenching feeling in her gut.

" Traveling through a Port Key of course."

"Port Key?" Princess Leia had had it, and the moment she saw an elderly woman walk into the scene with a pointy hat which spoke, "What a mess!" the poor fae just gave up all will to stay conscious and allowed herself to sink into darkness.

"Oh now look what have you done?" came Professor McGonagall's scolding tunes.

The Sorting Hat just darted his eyes from the Headmaster and back at the gentle features of the professor he just threw back, " What?"

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