Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 – The Wedding and the fiancé

"Where did he go?" I asked shocked. "I don't know. He just said that he has to leave" one of the boys replied. "And when did he leave?" I questioned, rubbing my eyes since I was still sleepy. I was still standing in my PJs and I was sure that my hair was a big mess, but that doesn't matter right now "An hour ago"

Yesterday, everything was fine, so what happened that he suddenly had to leave? "I am going after him," I said as I tied my hair into a bun. "What? You want to leave too?" Ji Soo asked. I took out my phone and dialed his number, but was directly forwarded to the voice message. "Yes, I don't think that I can stay here after he suddenly left like that"

I quickly got ready and packed my things, making sure to call him once in a while, but it was all in vain. "See you," I said as I hung my backpack on my shoulders. The majority was sitting there, eating their breakfast and I could see that they felt just as lazy as me before I decided to go back to Seoul.

"Are you really sure that you want to go?" one of the boys called after me. "Yes, yes. Don't worry about me" I said, not turning back, but instead, I just lifted my arm and waved my hands at them. I took a taxi and told the driver my address, arriving there as quickly as possible. I slammed the door open of Jonghyun's apartment and entered it without thinking twice. "Jonghyun, care to explain why yo-"

Right then, I noticed that the flat was empty. "Should have thought that earlier" I muttered to myself as I went to my apartment. I lay on my bed as I took out my phone and dialed the person I believe he can tell everything to. "Good morning, Onew" I greeted. "It's Jonghyun, right?" he asked. "So, you know something about it after all" I deducted. "Now tell me, what happened? More important, where is he?"

"To be honest I don't have the full information either," he said and I could hear the confusion in his voice. "He called me an hour ago and told me that he went to the gaming center," he said. "To do what?" I asked. "To play games?" he replied, which rather seemed like a question. "You're not serious, are you?" I asked astonished. "Look, I don't know the details either. Why don't you go and ask him directly?" he suggested.

"Fine," I said as I sighed. "Good. I'll send you the address of the place Jonghyun usually goes to" After that, he hung up. Once again, I got ready to leave and in half an hour, I arrived at the destination. I opened the door and entered the dark place, as I passed by many boys who were focused on winning their game.

It was hard to find the person I was looking for because of the dim illumination, but a few minutes later, I saw the back of someone I could always recognize. "Geez, Jonghyun what's going on?" I asked as I approached him. He turned around and I saw him looking at me emotionlessly. His eyes looked a bit dull and I feared that he was at the edge of his patience.

But as soon as his eyes met mine, his look changed. He sincerely smiled at me and somehow, I couldn't help but smile back. "You won't believe what happened," he said as he got up. "What?" I asked curiously. "Well, in the morning my sister called me and told me to hurry because it was an emergency. By the time I arrived there, I found out that she was actually having some problems with choosing her dress. Like seriously? That wrecked my whole mood"

"I can see that," I said as we walked outside. As soon as we opened the door my eyes narrowed because of the sudden light falling on my eyes, but soon, they got used to it. "Well, but now that I saw you, I feel better," he said cheekily. "Stop being so cheesy" I was glad that nothing serious happened; somehow, I felt at ease. "Sorry for making you come here, our vacations just got ruined." He apologetically said, but I just shrugged it off. "It wasn't something important anyway"

Afterward, we just walked home and I spent my time with practically doing nothing. Apparently, Jonghyun was busy with his family and I didn't get to see him until Friday afternoon. I used to wonder why people require such a long time to get ready, but that day, I finally understood why, after I spend a lot, let me emphasize the words 'a lot', of time for just getting dressed and I do have to admit that it's really a pain to spend your time on things like these.

After being done with my preparations, I glanced at the mirror for the last time and gazed at my blue dress. My uncle had chosen it for me a while ago and I was glad that his choice was always good. I was worried for him because he seemed a bit stressed out because of work and he started to look older than he actually is, even though he is still in his late thirties, but I recently saw a few pictures of him and he seemed better. He also told me that his business is stable now and that he started eating healthier with a combination of sports.

My phone suddenly buzzed and I knew that it was most likely Jonghyun, who wants to know whether I am ready or not. Without checking my phone, I walked out and rang the doorbell to his apartment. Since I decided not to carry anything with me tonight, not even my phone, I didn't have his key too, since I knew that it's always a pain to take care of trivial things on occasions like this.

At that moment, Jonghyun opened the door, leaning against the doorframe as he ruffled his messy hair. "You aren't ready yet?" I asked shocked. "Nope," he said as he stepped aside so that I can enter He was already wearing his smoking but his hair looked a mess as if he had just woken up, yet it looked good. "But didn't you message me to come over since you are ready?" I asked confused.

"No, I didn't," he said and we both looked at each other confused. "Anyway, just get ready, I'll check it after we come back," I said as I pushed him into his room. He definitely was quicker than I could manage to do and in a matter of a few minutes, we were already in his car, driving to our destination. "Why can't the others join?" I wondered.

"They are all busy. "Onew is meeting up with someone. Key and Minho both are studying hard because they didn't do well on their previous exams, but yes, we will see Taemin there" he listed. "I bet I know whom Onew is meeting" I alleged excited. "Some time ago, Taemin told me that he saw him with a girl and he also told me that he hangs out with that girl often too," I said and I knew Jonghyun understood where this conversation was going. "That could be it," he said and we parked the car. We got out of the car and I saw that the wedding was taking place in a huge mansion, just as expected from Jonghyun's father. I linked my arm with him and we walked towards the hall, but before we could enter, someone suddenly grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me around.

"Hina" I stared at the person in shock while the unknown person who had just pulled me looked at me with wide eyes too. Jonghyun removed his arms from mine and stepped in. "Who are you?" he asked suspiciously. He stared at me for a few seconds while I looked at him dazed. He had light brown eyes and dark brown hair which was perfectly done, but he didn't look like someone I knew, in fact, he seemed about ten years older than me, maybe in his late twenties.

"Sorry, I confused her with someone," he said and turned around to walk away as the sadness was evident in his eyes. "Wait. Why do you know my sister's name?" He turned around, looking at me shocked, but a few seconds later he smiled at me as if he was proud of me. "Are you Mina? Of course, you're Mina! You look just like Hina" he said and pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing?" I asked taken aback and luckily Jonghyun pulled us apart only some milliseconds after he hugged me. "Listen, don't just hug strangers like that"

"Don't you remember me? We met a few times. My name is Hyun Woo. How should I say it ...? Well, I was Hina's fiancé"

End of Chapter 30

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