(4) The Mark

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(4) The Mark


"You knew, mother?" I whisper, the news not fully absorbed by my brain. I couldn't help but glare at the woman that I feared all throughout my childhood. The woman who cast us aside the moment we turned in to the children the Elders wanted us to be.

The humans with the Alpha gene who would produce strong werewolves and lead the species in to a better future. I admit that we have turned our backs on her because she wasn't much of a mother to begin with.

She has always preferred Dianna more than anyone in the family. Whenever Dad asks her why, the only thing she'll say is "Because females are rare in the family and most often than not they're the most fragile ones"

But we knew, those were just excuses. We knew it's because we're not humans anymore. She couldn't accept that we've turned in to werewolves with no trace of the humanity she tried to instill in us. I've heard her curse at Dad a lot of times for carrying this gene, and indirectly cursing our existence.

She rolls her sleeves back down and says thank you to the female nurse, but once it lands on me her gaze turns cold again. "Of course, I knew. She's my granddaughter and Dia needed help"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ross stands from his seat, the color on his face returning. He's worse than me when it came from the trauma our mother inflicted on us.

She scoffs, "You're werewolves with werewolf mates. Your head is either in that stupid pride of yours or what's in between the legs of your females." She glances at Farah beside me "No offense, dear"

Farah smiles kindly "It's okay, mom"

"A pack, mother" I correct her


"We're a pack not a pride"

"Oh, whatever." She dismisses us with a wave of her frail arm and I wondered for a moment why we're so scared of her at the first place.

We've grown up in to large hulking men that lead powerful werewolves in to prosperity. I have more money than any politician and I have more brains than a doctorate holder. This woman that gave birth to us have always been so strict, especially when we were chosen by the werewolf elders. Since then, I don't remember her being so warm to us.

"it's not whateve—that is not the point" I let out a growl directed at her to which made her look surprised and even a tiny bit shocked. Yes mother, I have the balls to talk back now

"Dianna died and Iona is dying.Didn't it occur to you to call your sons that could actually help?"

Her eyes widen, and her jaw drops. I thought for a moment that I finally derailed the living witch but what came out of her mouth next tells me I haven't at all. "My sons? The sons that haven't even called me once since Dianna left you. The eldersas you call it must have raised you to break every other human relationship you have in hopes for new werewolf ones but if I was the one to raise you, you would have had the decency to call your ageing mother" her sneer on that particular word made her look archaic and even vengeful.

"Mother—" She cuts me off

"I don't know why I have to explain myself but I do not have sons. Not anymore, my boys were sweet and caring but they were taken from me, all I have left now is my granddaughter. I did what I had to do as a mother who was left abandoned by you who claims to be mine.

Dia and Iona were better off without the likes of you who abandons the one who gave birth to them. I would excuse them from the pain of it all rather than let their hopes be dashed away by you lot" With her chin held high, she looks away from us and directed her sight at the Iona's door.

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