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I yawned and stretched slightly, smiling softly.

Enochs soft hands were placed against my waist, the fabric of my shirt pulled up slightly to expose my stomach.

I shifted my body uncomftortably, trying to get into a better position.

A soft groan emmitted from the person behind me, causing me to tense up.

I shifted yet again, grimmacing.

He pulled me closer, pressing my hips against his waist.

Realization struck me and i rolled off the bed, landing with a loud thud.

I groaned, and at that moment, Olive decided to 'Check on' Enoch.

She poked her head in the room, raising and eyebrow and giggling mockingly at me. "Oh, did Enoch reject you?" She scoffed, skipping towards the bed where Enoch laid, rubbing his eyes.

She laid down next to him, smirking and wrapping her arms around his neck. "He never re-" she was cut off as he shoved her roughly off the bed, sitting up with a grin plastered in his face.

I sat up, rubbing my head.

"Oh he never rejects you, eh?"

A smirk settled across my face, while Enoch just sat there, somewhat confused.

I hoisted myself up, brushing some -invisible- dust off my shoulders and sashaying towards the door.

"See ya later bitch."

He scoffed, somewhat confused as i walked away, my braid swinging behind.

A few moments later, Olive ran out of the room, tears flowing from her eyes.

I couldn't decide wether to laugh at the fact she was crying, or pity her.

Okay, i didn't wonder at all. The latter never crossed my mind.

Sure, im rude, but do I care? Nope.
I walked outside, deciding to go to the garden for some fresh air and nice scenery.

To my utter suprise, i found Enoch sitting in the midst of a large patch of forget-me-nots.

Numerous homolculi were gathered around him, either unused or failures.

I watched him for a bit, a smile crossing my face as his  crinkled in frustration.

After a bit of this, i decided to confront him.

"So...Enoch, how's that going." I asked, grinning widely as he looked up, finding his confused expression absolutely adorable.

"Um...trying something new?" He told me, although it sounded more like a question over a statement.

I sat next to him, looking down at the smashed homolculi surrounding him, noticing the precise features and shaping.

"Can you show me?" I ponder, looking up into his dark eyes.

He seemed flustered, fiddling with his fingers as he replied. "Yeah...sure."

He 'gave life' to a fresh clay figure, visibly crossing his fingers as he whispered something to it hopefully.

The small figure bolted up, picking a white flower from the garden, clambering up my shoulder and placing the flower behind my ear.

I smiled faintly. "Who is the lucky girl this was planned for? Or guy, I mean Horace?"

Enoch snorted and looked up at me. "Nobody. It did what it WASN'T supposed to do!" He growled, plucking the flower from behind my ear and shaking his head.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hey! Give that back!" I yelled, reaching for the flower.

How could he go from being so sweet and adorable, to salty and mean. He must be bipolar...

He leapt up, grinning. "You've gotta catch me first!" With that, he ran off towards the treeline.

I leapt up and bounded after him, finding it suprisingly difficult to catch up, which was odd.

After a while, he began to grow tired, as was I. I crumbled to the ground.

"I..." I panted, groaning. "Give...up!" I raised my arms in surrender as i laid on my back.

He grinned and began walking back, and as he passed me, he dropped the same white flower I had been racing after.

"Who knows...maybe that flower was meant for you." He murmered quietly, jogging the last few yards to the house.

Hope you like this chapter! Comment if you did, sorry for the late update!

Word count : 670 words.

Stay peculiar,

|Hatred| Enoch O'Conner Where stories live. Discover now