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I woke up the next morning, yawning and looking around.

Wait. This isn't my room.

I looked down at the sheets.

Not my bed.

I felt a pair of hands around my waist.

Not. My. Hands

I turned around, a bit worried about what I would find.

But what i did find was worse than i expected.

I found myself looking at an adorable, sleeping Enoch.

His curly auburn hair was messy and astray, falling in his face.

My mind went into overdrive as i saw he was shirtless.

Nothing happened, right? I didn't recall anything, but i heard that you can forget that.

He yawned and opened his eyes, stretching.

And apparently he was as suprised as I was.

He leapt up, his eyes widening.

"What are you doing in my bed?!" He whispered, careful not to awaken the children. His thick scottish accent was very prominent.

I shrugged, throwing my hands up. "How should I know? !"

He furrowed his thick eyebrows, his delicate lips forming a frown.

I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at him challangingly. Thoughts still swarmed my brain, but i ignored them.

"Well, fuck off." He growled.

I smirked. "Well, hasn't your vocabulary increased."

He rolled his eyes, waving his hand dismissively. "C'mon, get going."

I stood up, walking towards the door.

For some odd reason, i swayed my hips a bit as i stalked away, feeling his gaze burn into me.

Shrugging, i edged out the doorway, glancing around cautiously before creeping down the hallway, placing my feet strategically.

I frowned, sitting down in the hallway. I had been sleeping in a makeshift bed in Claires room, Jacob having taken the last available room.

I crept back to Enochs room, seeing that he had already fallen asleep.

I chuckled softly to myself, my gaze traveling to his- suprisingly- toned chest, biting the inside of my cheek.

I slowly took a few steps towards him, wincing as the floorboards creaked.

Every sound was amplified by the silence in the room.

I grimmaced and crawled into the bed, careful not to wake him and closed my eyes.

I felt him awaken, move and look down at me.

To my suprise, he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, nestling his chin in the crook of my neck.

I inhaled sharply, a warmth flooding my body.

I felt a strong, magnetic emotion, one that was unknown to me.

I steadied my breathing and smiled softly, accepting the moment for what it was and slowly drifting off to sleep, thoughts flooding my mind.


Okay, so the word count is ONLY 438 words...

I'm deeply sorry about my inactivity on this book, and the shortness of this chapter.

I have been REALLY busy with school, but in a few weeks i will be able to update more often.

So please, just hang in there, maybe grow some patience.

Ha. Just kidding...

Love you guys!
     Stay peculiar

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