♤ |Who?| ♤

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I shook my head. "I don't follow. Mrs. Perigrine? Like, the Mrs. Perigrine, embryne with a loop on the day of September 3rd, 1940?"

They all stared at me as though a spider was perched on my head. "How...?" One asked. "If you know so much." The invisible boy sneered. "Then what are our names?"

I grinned in delight. "Okay Millard." I pointed to the fiery haired girl. "Olive." I traveled around, gesturing to them as I went. "Emma, Bronwyn and finally, Hugh."

They narrowed their eyes, Emma starting the carrage without looking at me. I looked at the ground. "So...wheres Horace, the twins...Fiona...?" I asked quietly.

Millard shrugged. "Doing their chores I suppose." I nodded as we approached the house. I stared at it in awe. It was even more beautiful than I imagined, more grand than any of Grandma Noras stories had expressed. Children galloped around the yard, playing soccer and such.

We got to the house, hopping out of the wagon, Emma gripping my wrists once again. I pursed my lips. "Can you not?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my mouth like venom.

She rolled her eyes, bringing me to the door. We were greeted by Mrs. Peregrines stern but sweet face. She tapped her watch, flashing us a grin. "Right on time." She paused to look me over. "And welcome Anabelle Lockwood."

I nodded to her politely, looking at the ground. She glared at Emma. "And what do you think your doing?" She asked, glaring at my suspended wrists.

Emma looked at her. "I assumed she was a wi-" she was cut off by Millard kicking her leg. "Save it." He whispered. She nodded, clamping her mouth shut and releasing my wrists.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but said nothing. I saw a small clay figure in the grass and stepped over to look at it. Its head was destroyed, a gaping hole in its chest.

'Odd...' I thought. And it hit me. Enoch.

I shook that thought away, turning back to Mrs. Peregrine. She smiled at me, looking at Olive for a brief moment before nodding curtly. "You must meet the others." I smiled lopsidedly. I swear I heard someone laugh, but rolled my eyes, following Mrs. Peregrine as she stepping into the house.

A little girl with beautiful blonde curls peeked out from behind a wall, her blue eyes looking at me curiously. I smiled and waved at her, causing her to giggle and scamper away. I chuckled before resuming my awkward state. Mrs. Peregrine checked her clock. "Lunch is in  exactly 5 minutes and 47 seconds. Tell the others Emma." Emma nodded, walking outside. Her lead boots weighed her down, clunking against the floor as she exited.

Soon after we were all seated at the table, exept one of us.

"Where is Mr. O'Conner?" Mrs. Peregrine questioned, looking at his empty seat. Olive stood up. "I'll get him!" She suggested, already heading out the door. "Olive, polite per-" she started, but Olive was already making her was up the stairs.

Mrs. Peregrine rubbed her temples. "They never listen..." she muttered under her breath. A few minutes later, Olive appeared, dragging Enoch by his hand. Enoch looked at her hand in disgust, taking his hand from hers and shaking it. He saw me and froze, his gaze locking with mine.

There was only one emotion in those eyes, a cold, flooding emotion. Hatred. He scowled, his curly hair falling into his face. It was at that moment that i realised something.

I hated him too.

Thank you for reading! This one was a bit short...sorry! Love you guys, stay peculiar!

|Hatred| Enoch O'Conner Where stories live. Discover now