■ |Dude.|■

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Olive sat down in her seat, beckoning Enoch to sit next to her. Enoch kept his gaze fixed on me as he sat down, curling his lip.

Mrs. Peregrine sensed the tension and cleared her throat. "Everybody, this is Anabelle, our new peculiar!" I looked at my plate, feeling their gazes burn into me.

Did they like me? Were they judging me? Do I look alright? Thoughts flooded my mind, but then the room erupted with joyful voices introducing themselves, their words blurring together.

Mrs. Peregrine cleared her throat loudly, causing everyone to quiet down and turn to her, guilt shining in their eyes.

"Polite persons do not all speak at once. " she scolded. The children nodded, all exept Enoch, that of whom glared at me. "We will go around the table, starting with Hugh."

Hugh looked at me, grinning. "Im Hugh Apiston, and i have bees living in my stomach!" He beamed, opening his mouth to proove it, sending a few bees flying from his mouth and into the net. I nodded slowly, looking to the next person. "Im Millard Nullings, and as you can see...im invisible." I chuckled, nodding.

Mrs. Peregrine looked at Millard. "Polite persons do not dine in the nude, now please, put some clothes on." Millards chair moved out, and his footsteps could be heard stomping up the stairs.

Mrs. Peregrine looked at the little blonde girl i saw earlier. "Your turn Claire."

The little girl looked at her plate, staying quiet. "You don't have to tell her Claire." A thick Scottish accent broke in. "She would judge you anyways."

Mrs. Peregine turned to Enoch, not seeming suprised at all. "Enoch, polite persons do not make false accusations at the dinner table."

I shifted my jaw in annoyance, glaring at Enoch. He returned the glare, his brown eyes flooded with hatred. I shook my head. "Don't worry Claire..." I murmered, breaking eye contact. "I won't judge you..."

Claire kept her head down. "Can we move on...?" She whispered, looking over at Olive, who sat besides her. Olive nodded, caressing Claires shoulder. "Yes." She turned to me, a warm smile forming on her face. "I'm Olive Abroholos Elephanta, and i can summon fire." She concentrated on her hands, and soon after a small, orange flame apeared. She looked very content with herself, smiling.

Mrs. Peregrine pursed her lips. "Enoch."
    He growled. "Enoch O'Conner, dead-riser." He shrugged, gritting his teeth.

Emma exhailed and looked at me, nodding. "Emma Bloom, peculiarity, Air." She unbuckled her chair, letting herself float up a bit before Enoch grabbed her foot, pulling her down and strapping her in again.

I smiled as the others introduced themselves, commenting on a peculiarity every once and a while.

We were excused from the table, everyone going thier seperate ways. Emma and Olive grabbed my wrists, leading me upstairs. "C'mon!"

They lead me into a room with two beds, a vanity and a couple of small dressers. "We should play a game!" Olive suggested, sitting cross legged on the bed in the left. I sat down next to her, with Emma settling down on the edge.

"How about truth or dare!" I suggested. They cocked thier heads. "Truth or dare?" They asked in unison. I nodded slowly, realising they were from a different time period entirely. "Yeah, truth or dare goes like this: you ask the person truth or dare, truth being you can ask any question and they HAVE to answer it truthfully, and dare being...where you can tell them something to do, anything, and they HAVE to do it. Sound good?" I asked.

They nodded. "Yeah, sounds fun!" Emma looked at me. "Truth or dare." I paused, thinking. "Dare."

She giggled. "I dare you to go hug Enoch!" Olive frowned. "I don't think you should."

I ignored Olive and leapt up, running downstairs. "He's in the basement, right?" I asked.

Emma nodded, following me. "Stay behind." I murmered, going down the steps and opening the door quietly.

Enoch was sitting at his desk, fiddling with a small doll. He sewed an arm on, biting the string at the end.

I stepped into the room, attracting Enochs attention. He narrowed his eyes. "Get out." He said plainly. I shook my head. "Nah."

He stood up, taking a step towards me. "I said Get. Out." He repeated. I smirked and hugged him, burrying my face in his shirt. "And i said no." He growled, pushing me. "Get." He muttered through gritted teeth.

I, being defiant, shook my head. "No."

That set him off. He shook his head and pressed me against the wall roughly, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "I am NOT one to be trifled with." He whispered huskily. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, making my breath hitch.

I may not admit it, but he was pretty hot. I mean, his heart melting brown eyes, his adorable curly hair. Hell, it was adorable when he was angry.

He shook his head. "I hate you..." he whispered, smashing his fist into the wall besides my head. I flinched, pushing on his chest. "C'mon Enoch..." i whined, tilting my head sideways. "Im not that bad."

"I hate you." He repeated, breaking away. I shifted my jaw, slightly turned on. "Fuck you Enoch." I growled.

He smirked. "You wish."

I stomped out of the room, running my fingers across my neck. "That was..." i shook my head, walking back into the room where the girls waited patiently on the bed. Or so i thought.

"Where's Olive?" I asked Emma. She sighed. "She left...i shouldn't have given you that dare..."

I frowned. "Why not?" It seemed perfectly fine to me.

Emma sighed, looking up at me. "Olive...really likes Enoch..." I nodded, shrugging. "Its understandable..." i murmered inaudiblely. She stood up. "I shouldn't have even agreed to play that game..."

I stayed silent.

"Its all your fault! " Emma cried. "Its all your fault she's mad! I wish you'd NEVER ENTERED THIS LOOP!" She stormed out of the room, shaking her head. "Just leave." She whispered as she walked down the stairs.

I choked back tears. I really fucked up didn't I? My first day in the loop, and i already gained the hatred of three individuals.

A thought struck me, seeming very reasonable. 'Maybe...maybe i should leave...' my mind lingered on that thought, kept it in a steel grip.

But if i left, i would be killed, eaten by a hollowgast. I couldn't let that happen. So I sat in the room, slowly crumbling to the ground as it sunk in.

Even with many people here, i was alone.



Thank you for reading! This was a bit of a difficult chapter...but i did it! I may not be able to keep up with the updates, but i PROMISE it will be updated at LEAST every Friday.

Love you, Stay peculiar

|Hatred| Enoch O'Conner Where stories live. Discover now