Chapter 16

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Jace POV

She was completely different. But still as beautiful as always. She had a lip piercing like the other Delight's, which pointed out that she was really changed. Her coat was buttoned to her collarbones, and only her face was visible. Her hair wasn't as bright and curly as before. It was dark red and waving, it came to her hips. Her expression was weird, not like it used to be. Her mouth corners pointed downwards, like she couldn't smile. Her aura was as strong as the others around her, so because of her sunglasses I couldn't see her stunning eyes, which I expected to be still the same.

I regretted my behavior of five years ago so much, that I wanted to fall on my knees, creep to her, wrap my arms around her legs and beg her to forgive me. But I didn't. I knew I shouldn't.

I heard Susan moving next to me.

"What the hell is going on? Who is that chick?" she asked.

She almost snapped me out of my thoughts about Clary. Almost.

Nobody answered her, the room was filled with a thick tension, which made us keeping the silence.

She was a Delight, which meant that she would be here for a few weeks. Maybe I could make her forgive me, or even get her back. As soon as the thought reached the not freaked out part of my brains, I pushed it away. She was a Delight, and what I did back then was too bad to forgive.

Her face was pale, and I knew I had to stop staring at her, but I just couldn't.

"Clary...," Isabelle whispered, and I didn't even bother to look at her. Maybe Isabelle would forgive me, now she had seen Clary again.

No, she wouldn't, I corrected myself. I wasn't thinking clear. My mind was thinking of things that wouldn't ever happen.

"Clary," she said louder, making sure that Clary heard her.

She began walking to the Delight's, not thinking of anything else than Clary.

I didn't move, I couldn't move. I was too amazed by Clary to think of anything else.

Simon opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again when he realized that he couldn't stop her anyway.

The first one in the pyramid stepped forward and stood between Isabelle and Clary, blocking her way. I knew that he would be dead if he wouldn't have a damn good reason to make Isabelle stop her actions.

"Get out of my way," Isabelle said to first row guy. In one way the looked like each other, but to little to see why I thought that.

He moved a little, clearly not buying Isabelle intimidating voice.

'No," he said. It was like he had a death wish. Or he was really dumb, or he knew what he was doing, there wasn't another way to explain his dumb behavior.

"Yes," Isabelle commanded, her voice raised, obviously getting mad.

"No," he said again, and I decided that he knew what he was doing, the way his voice toned leadership. He was probably the leader of the Delight's.

I felt my body shaking at the possibility that one of the guys in front of me was Clary's new boyfriend, maybe she was married, or engaged.

Magnus stepped forward, and walked quickly to Isabelle, grabbing her arm. Isabelle tried to get out of his grip, but Magnus tightened his hands and tugged her a little away from the man standing in front of them.

"C'mon Isabelle, he's not going to let you pass," He whispered to her, hard enough for us to hear it.

"But...," Isabelle started to say.

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