Pronunciation and Language Guide

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Okaasan -O-KAH-SON - 'Mother'

Neesan- NAY-SON 'older sister'

Oyasumi- OYA- SOO-ME 'goodnight'

Gomen- GO-MEN 'sorry'

Tadai ma -TAH-DIE-MAH 'i'm back home'


As Salamu Alaykum - AS-SALAA-MO-ALAY-KUUM  'Peace be onto you' (It is a greeting)

Wa alaykum as Salaam - WA ALAY-KUUM- AS -SALAAM 'and unto you, peace' ( it is said in response to the greeting)

EID - EED  ( A festival that is celebrated after the month of fasting. You wear new clothes, do prayers in congregation and enjoy food.)

Mubarak- MU-BAR-AK  ( Literal meaning is 'blessed one' Often said by Muslims on EID as EID Mubarak. ' A blessed EID' or 'Happy EID'

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