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Setting: 1909-1922
Places: Newyork,Harlem & Peach Creek

(Jonny's background)

The year was 1906 and 17 year old Laura Ernest a white freshman in college had just moved to Newyork with her husband Raméro Cavanras a 27 year old Latino Hispanic for a fresh new start as a newlywed couple.

Alot of people frowned down upon their marriage because of their different races, which is why they moved to get away from the criticism, even in their new neighborhood most of the neighbors were disgusted that two different races married each other. The criticism only got worse when in 1907 they had a daughter named Rosa Cavanras and two years later in 1909 would have another kid named Jonathan 'Jonny' Cavanras.

In school Jonny and his big sister Rosa had trouble making friends because of them being mixed. But Jonny managed to make four friends who's names were Delila Harris, Walter Revete, Amelia Goro, and Jamie-Lee (Jane) Thomas. All four kids were outcasts because of something, Delila was an outcast for being African American, Walter was a anti-social white boy who was very intelligent despite his age, Amelia was an outcast for not only being mixed but for also being a tomboy, and Jane was an outcast for being a bully and rebelling against his peers and adults.

But because they were trouble makers it wasn't surpising when an incident in 1918 took place that would claim the live of one of Jonny's friends...

" Should we be here?" 8 year old Jonny asked 10 year old Jane who was picking a door lock with a bobby pin he stole from his mother.

" Yes, you guys want free candy right?" Jane asked his four  accomplices, who knotted their heads 'yes' slowly but were nervous.

It was the winter of 1918 in New York and Jane being the trouble maker he is convinced Jonny, Delila, Amelia, and Walter to rob a candy shop that belonged to a woman named Elenor Farsi. She was a mean woman who supported the Klu Klux Klan which made Delila more frighten than what she already was.

" I-I'm sorry guys but I can't do this!" 8 year old Delila yelled out a nervous wreck.

" Why not?" Jane asked raising an eyebrow.

" Because for one, we're breaking into a candy shop, number two we're kids that could get in trouble if our parents find out, and three I'm African American white people don't exactly like my race that much!" Delila said in one quick breath.

" Well, Me and Walter are white and we like you" Jane said paying attention to the door he was trying to pick.

" That's because yall parents taught you not to hate someone because of the color of their  skin" Delila said holding on to Amelia.

" Maybe we shouldn't do this it's wrong" Jonny cut in now scared " my parents are gonna kill me!"

" I thought you guys was my friends!" Jane stopped picking the lock to face his 4 other friend.

" We are!" Walter said.

" Yeah, we love ya!" Amelia said hugging him.

" THEN ROB THIS-" he was cut off by a scream.

" What the hell are you doing at my shop!" Elenor Farsi yelled holding a shotgun.

" RUN!!!" Jane yelled to his crew and they took off.

Elenor Farsi started shooting at the children mainly aiming at Delila the black girl.

As Jonny, Jane, Amelia, and Walter ran the shooting stopped, and they heard a thud. They turned around to see Delila on the ground gurgling blood, she had been shot twice in the back.

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