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Setting: 1888-1903
Places: The old country & Peach Creek

(Rolf's Background)

In 1886 two young souls were married Gretchen Welten age 15 and Joel Vanhoover age 19, they both came from the 'old country'.

Two years later on August, 15th, 1888 they had a son who they named Rolf, followed by 3 more children Hansel, Peter, and Jenny Vanhoover.When Rolf was 4 years old his parents decided to go to America for a better life, so they packed their bags and headed to the United States.

They settled on the outskirts of a town called Peach Creek, they owned a farm. Years went by and by this time Rolf was 9 years old, but he had lots of work for a young boy such as himself. Because he was the oldest it was up to him to watch his younger siblings ages 7, 6, and 5 when his parents weren't home.

Which is what would cause Rolf's death in the summer of 1903 when Rolf was 15 years old.

It was a hot summer afternoon in 1903, Rolf had been working in the corn fields with his pig Wilfred and goat Victor and not really paying attention to his siblings which was a bad idea and would soon be the reason for his demise. He figured that they were doing their chores which was feeding the animals, the only animal on the farm they were not allowed to feed was the Bull. Rolf wasn't allow near it either, it was usually Rolf's father Joel who take care of the Bull.

Now back to his siblings, they were in the barn feeding animals. When the oldest of the three Hansel age 13 now decided to rebel against his older brother's rules about the Bull.

" Are you sure we should be doing this Rolf told us not to touch or feed the Bull?" Jenny the youngest age 11 said to her brother.

" Come on, don't you guys get sick of ol' Rolfy boy tellin us what to do all the time?!" Hansel argued back.

" Yeah but he has too, mama and daddy put him in charge cause he's the eldest, we can't disobey him?" Peter age 12 said just as nervous as his little sister Jenny.

" But we'll never be taken seriously around here if we don't prove we can be just as responsible as Rolf!" Hansel shot back, he never liked his big brother Rolf because he was the eldest and got to boss them around, he figured if Rolf got to be in charge so should he.

" It's just I have a really bad feeling about all this" Peter said as the three climb up top to the bull pen and sat there on the wall, they saw the Bull walking around.

" Alright fine I'll do it, but if something bad happens I ain't getting in trouble for you Hansel!" Jenny said pouting.

" Exactly, what Jenny said" Peter also replied crossing his arms.

" Whatever, I'll take the blame if something happens but when we're taken more seriously I get to say I told you so!" He said " Now hand me the bucket of grass and watch & learn"

Jenny grabbed the bucket and passed it to Peter, then Peter passed it to Hansel. He jumped down from the wall, he was now in the Bull's pen....

Back to Rolf, he was just about done in the corn fields and was about to check on his siblings, he was walking through the corn field back to his farm when he heard a blood curling scream. He knew who it came from his little sister Jenny. He dropped everything and ran back to the farm with his pig and goat following him, he got their only to find that the Bull had broken out of his pen. His little brother Peter was running from the beast that chased him while his sister Jenny hung on for dear life do to the fact she was on the bull's back.

But where was his other brother, as Rolf looked around for Hansel his eye caught something. Laying in the center of the bull's pen was his little brother Hansel, as Rolf ran to his brother he realized his brother was cover in blood like he had been trampled and crushed by the Bull. Sadly his fears were true, his brother Hansel had been trampled to death by the Bull.

As much as he wanted to cry and panick, he couldn't he had to save his other siblings from that beast. He ran inside his house and came back out with their family's red picnic blanket, when the Bull saw it he instantly stopped chasing Peter, he bucked and threw Jenny off his back. It focused on Rolf now. The Bull blew smoke out his nose and charged at Rolf, that was the last thing Rolf had seen before everything went dark.

Rolf awoke in his bed sweating, he looked at the time it was 3:44am. He decided to eat breakfast, as he sat at the kitchen table his goat Victor came in with a rolled up Newspaper in his mouth. Curious Rolf began to read, on the front it read:

Massive Bull Attack:
A young boy age 15 or 14, his pig and goat, and his little brother age 13 were killed by a Bull that was accidently let out of his pen, the two other victims ages 12 and 11 were badly injured.

Rolf put the paper down not being able to remember anything in his life that happened accept now.

" Aw, poor lad and his family, oh well" Rolf said as he continued to eat.

Rolf Vanhoover had died on June, 28th, 1903 at 3:44pm, his brother Hansel died from being trampled by the bull also. His other siblings Peter and Jenny were hurt badly but made a full recovery the following year but the two remain traumatized by their experience with the Bull. As for Rolf he was buried in Peach Creek Cemetery a week after his death, his little brother was buried next to him, his pets that died had been buried with him. On Rolf's tombstone it reads "Rolf. Lane. Vanhoover, August 15th, 1888 - June 28th, 1903. Beloved Son and Brother. Will be missed dearly.

Welp. That wraps up Rolf 1 down 11 more to go...again shoutout to Darkshadows229

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