To My Sister Becky

Start from the beginning

He made it clear that he only bought all of the videos the first time as a gesture of goodwill, and that he would be more picky from then on, but it didn't matter. I was ecstatic. I imagined myself becoming a millionaire in a matter of months, able to move you to a better hospital and pay all the bills while also living like royalty myself. I didn't even think of how twisted the crime I was committing was. Back then, I didn't find anything out of the ordinary about it — I would be earning tons of cash, and what my patients didn't know wouldn't hurt them. The next morning, I went to work with the dumbest grin on my face. That's when I saw it for the first time. The... thing which would proceed to ruin my life over the next few weeks.

On the inside of my front door was a carving of an eye. It was very stylized — just a rhombus with an oval inside of it and a circle inside of that. It looked like it had been carved directly into the wooden frame of the door by a blade which had been covered in black paint, but when I ran my hand across its surface the door was still very much flat. Honestly, I had no idea who made it, how, or why — my first instinct was that I was robbed and this was the perpetrator's elaborate calling card, of sorts.

It might have also been hooligans who broke in and painted some graffiti on the door — Mom and Dad's house is probably the nicest one in the neighborhood, so it would be a prime target for an attack. Either way, the fact that somebody had broken into my home didn't bother me nearly as much as it should have — I only sighed due to the inconvenience of having to clean it out later. I keep all of my valuables, including jewelry and my purse with all of my cash, in my bedroom, so there wasn't a chance of anything important being stolen. I opened the door and left without a second thought.

At work, I exchanged the camera's memory card and filmed another five or six different examinations for my "employer." I returned home, ignoring the black eye on the door, and hurriedly went to my bedroom in order to send some picture samples to the man. I sat on my bed, still wearing the clothes I'd been to work with, and opened up my e-mail. I had several messages, most of which were either spam or from the newsletters I'd signed up for. Interestingly, one of the messages was untitled and sent from my own e-mail address.

I raised an eyebrow, wondering if I'd sent a message to myself and forgot about it. I mean, I do that all the time anyway, with important links and files that I'd need later, so it wasn't really that big of a deal. I opened the message, curious about what I'd sent myself. The body of the e-mail was empty, but there was a single file attached to it — an image titled "pervert.jpg". My curiosity piqued, I opened it... and quickly wished that I hadn't.

It was a photo that looked like a screenshot from one of the videos I'd taken only a few hours ago. A thirteen year old girl had come to me with complaints of unusually strong pains during menstruation, and required a pelvic exam to ensure everything was fine with her. Of course, the inspection was fully filmed, and I expected that this would be the highlight of the day as far as my "employer" was concerned. The snapshot showed just that — the girl was in stirrups, her legs spread as she expected me to examine her.

I was to the right of her, putting on my gloves and preparing for the checkup. It was, as the title suggested, a perverted image in every sense of the word, and more frighteningly, it wasn't one that I remembered taking at all. My eyes narrowed as I desperately tried to remember if I had taken a "juicy" screenshot for my "employer" while on my laptop at work or something like that, but my mind drew a blank. Then I saw it. To the left of the girl, just next to the door, was another eye. It looked identical to the one I found on my door, just maybe a bit smaller... Or perhaps it was just the perspective making it seem like that.

My hands began to tremble. I walked right through that door on my way out, there was no way I wouldn't have seen the eye when I left! The image didn't look photo-shopped, but it had to be — how else could it make any sort of sense? Determined to get to the bottom of this, I quickly pulled out my camera's memory card from my pocket and plugged it into my laptop, then opened the video of the girl's medical examination. I figured that I'd find the exact spot this screenshot was taken from, see if the eye is visible there, and if so, roll back and see if it was there all along, and if not, when it first appeared. The video began.

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