Chapter 21: Car Crash

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Ash looks at the two way mirror hoping that nobody was in there, nobody knew that she had a clone exept Soot, herself and the dead scientists. Ash walks out of the room in frustration as Soot begins to laugh. Ash motions to the guards standing by the door, "take her to a holding cell, also be careful she is extremely dangerous, get Pyrah to help you." Ash walks away thinking of that night that her sisters and her were ambushed.
"Hey, Ash did you like the movie?" Nuri asks as she twirled Magnets in her hands. Ash nods her head, she enjoyed watching the newest movie added to the marvel universe Guardians of the Galaxy.
"I liked the part when Rocket was trying to make the bomb." 
Rheum laughs, "I'm still thinking of the part when they were on Knowhere in the bar." Rheum stops at a stoplight in the empty town streets,
"what time is it?" Nuri asks.
Ash replies and glances at her cheap little Timex watch,"It's 11:30."
The light turns green and Rheum begins driving again, All of a sudden somthing hard connects with the right side of the car with blinding light. Ash feels herself almost get jarred out of the backseat thank goodness for seat belts. She could feel every bone and muscle in her body ache on impact. Ash could tell by the street lights they weren't upside down, but they must've rolled 3 or 4 times by the condition of the roof. She concentrates to see if Nuri and Rheum were okay while ignoring the condition of herself, but her vision quickly grows blurry with herself blocking everything off. Ash tries to call out her sisters names before she reached total unconsciousness but failed doing so.

Ash wakes up her vision very blurry as she feels someone dragging her out of the wreckage. To weak to do anything Ash turns her heads to see her sisters in the same state as her. She manages to turn her head up at the thing that connected with their car to see a S.T.E.P. inc. Eighteen wheeler barely unscathed. Must have a reinforced front end to hit a car and still look okay to drive. She looks up to see the man inspecting her sisters with some strange device. He reaches up to his ear in the dim street light as if hes tslking on a bluetooth phone device, "they're all positive. What should I do? Their vehicle will need to be taken care of."
"Got it." He looks over at Ash, "time to go." He picks up Ash first and slings her over her shoulder, she tries to scream but all that comes out is a groan. Her vision becomes blurry once again as she blacks out. My parents, what will they think when they find out we're gone?

Ash hears the rumble of the truck start up and change direction ocasionally coming around a corner. Ash counts it abot an hour when they finally stop. She hears someone talk but it wasn't audible.
Ash wakes up to a blinding light hovering over her head. Ash sits her head up realizing that she is no longer sore from the car wreck. A nurse comes in, "hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" 
Ash sits up in bed, "I...I feel okay I guess." Ash waits for a moment for the nurse to say somthing, "where am I?" The nurse smiles, and a red flag imediately went up in Ash's head. Thats a pretty fake smile. "Your at the hospital silly, you fell pretty hard last night gave youself a concussion." Ash notices the nurse urn around at a table, "Do you need any advil for you headache." Ash rubs her head trying to see if she had any thobbing spots on her skull but that sounded more like she was insisting rather than asking. "No, I'm okay." Thr nurse turns around, "Okay, your parents are waiting out in the main hall for you, but you need a shot before you leave." The nurse urns around with a syringe filled with a wierd clar liquid. Red flag number two went up in her head Ash begins to squirm realizig that shecwasn't comfortable.
"What kind of shot?" The nurse moves ovr by the bed, "The kind to make you better silly." Ash took that as a no-this-shot-will-keep you-sedated type look." Ash grabs the syringe out of the nurse's arms a pain shoots up her arm moving as quick as she did,
"I do not believe you."
The nurse smiles, " I guess you were too smart to believe the whole nurse act from me then?" Ash doesnt hesitate and jabs the lady in the arm with the needle and sedates her with it. The lady falls backwards onto the far shelf and passes out. Ash jumps out of bed feeling a real sharp jab of pain on her calf muscle as if fire was injected into her left leg. Ash winces as she notices the bandage on her leg.
No time for lolly gagging. Ash pulls all the heart monitors off her body and the IV out of her arm. I've got to get out of, wherever I am. Ash kicks open the door,  the firey pain returns to her leg causing her to stagger on her feet. What happened to me or what did they do to me?  Ash creates a large ball of her messed up mind games and shoots it at the oncoming nurses.  Ash rears a up to a grey door, I hope my sisters are in here. Ash opens the door to see two  doctors in white lab coats working frivolously around a blue/green tank full of fluid.
"She's awake!"
The dorctors begin to freak out, one of them turns into a scaly creature, Ash shoots more energy at that one first while the other connects with her arm trying to hold Ash down. She pushes the doctor into a tray of surgical tools and knocks him out buy slamming him into the wall. The scaly doctor sits down in a chair and puts his hands up, "honsstly they are so wierd here. I don't even know why I work here." Ash glances at the tank once more to see a girl floating in the tank, with short brown hair. With a label on the side reading SOOT. Ash does a double take at her face to notice the exact same beauty mark that she had to the left of her lips. They made a clone out of me?  The clone opens her eyes and looks at Ash studying her face through the blue liquid.
Ash glances at a malilla envelope hoping to get away from this abomination; she grabs it and runs away. Maybe this will help me escape this nightmare hospital.
Ash glances out the nearest window to see the concrete 4 stories below. I'd die If I tried to jump that. Ash look for the nearest stair well and sees one at the end of the hallway. "Shes in the hallway!" Ash hears several people yell down the hallway. Ash sprints as fast as her legs would take her to the stair well. She opens the door and slams it shut. She begins making her decent when the door above gets slamed open and the rumble of boots shake the whole stariwell. Ash throws her hands up to throw every good dream she has ever had into the air causing the stairwell to grow bright enough to blind a regular person. She hears the people stop chasing her as she reaches the first floor door. Ash grabs the fire extinguisher to preapare to make cover from it.
She pops open the door to find people in buisness suits, some strange armor, and people moving about. Definately not a hospitsl at all.
Ash sprays the fire extinguisher creating as much cover as possible, and creates a large silvery bubble to make it look like it's cloudy and pushes it into the haze of the extinguisher. Ash then runs for the front door after fighting through a couple of the guards man. She pushes through the front door still holding the manilla envelope and runs for her life. She glances over her shoulder at the tall building to see the blue writing at the top. S.T.E.P. INC.  Ash keeps running as far as an injured leg would carry her. She comes to rest in a cleanish alleyway behind a bakery. Ash leans on the wall and flips  open the manilla envelope and begins reading it.
Page one:

Subject height: Five foot, Four inches
Weight: Approximately 109 pounds and 10 ounces.
Age: 15
Gender:  Female
Eye color: Grey-green/blue
Hair color:Brown

Page two:

This particular project is to partake that of one's DNA and create a second of that one's DNA, Her nomanclature name Soot shall be opposite that of the subject Ash. DNA will be much as needed without killing the patient, She shall be healed untill timing of her erasal and release.

Signed by:
The Director of Experiments.

Ash closes the manilla envelope maddened of what she just read, they cloned her and didn't give a crap whether she remembered or not. Ash crumpled the manilla envelope and threw it in the dumpster. Ash unwraps her left leg to see three horozontal deep burn marks across her leg. That is most likely where they took my DNA from.  Shocked from sheer exhaustion of the whole scenario Ash falls asleep against the wall just as it begins to drizzle from above but she didn't care the dumpster lid acted as a  partial shield from the rain. Sometimes I wish my powers wern't strong enough to effect my surroundings.

Later that night Ash wakes up with cold water being splashed on her, "I'm awake Nuri!" She looks around to find her gaze rest on two sillouets of a girl and a boy leaning against the opposite wall, "we saw you run away from S.T.E.P. You okay?" The girl speaks.

Ash rubs her head but keeps her guard up, "Yeah, I-I'm okay I just need to get home."  The boy helps reaches out to help her up, Ash shoves him off. The boy backs up in surrender, "hey, it's okay we don't want to hurt you, It's been a long night, S.T.E.P. is out looking for you... Do you need a place to crash?" Ash thinks about a nice warm bed under a rain proof roof away trom the nightmare building.  "I guess I could come."
The girl smiles, "wonderful... eh, before you come though, are you... ya know 'gifted'?" Ash didn't know what the girl was talking about. The boy punches the girl "Luminous you idiot she might not know what we're talking about."

It dawned on Ash that they were talking about her power. "Why does it matter?" Ash asks testily. Luminous turns and flicks a piece of paper between her hands creating a small flying paper crane, "we were seeing if you are really like us." Ash nods at Luminous, "yeah, but I got this."

Ash creates small, glittery, silvery vortex in her hands forming a bubble it emits a small amount of light just as her skin does in the dark when she uses her powers uncontrollably . "Okay lets get you to our place then, it's safer than this alley way." The boy says reassuringly.

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