Chapter 9: S.T.E.P. INC.

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Men in grey suits walk out of the sterile white room with matching guard helmets on, they walk out to a woman that has long, fiery red curly hair with aqua blue tips, vibrant grey eyes and a dark brown cat suit. She stops pacing in front of the opened window. "Has subject 3 c cooperated yet?" she flips her hair out of her face. "No, Ms. Soot, subject 3c is very resilient to the tests."

Soot crosses her arms in a pissed off way. "Very well then, I'll tell Char, now get out of here before I fire you by the permission of Char himself." The men nod their heads at her. After they leave she slouches her shoulders a little in a relaxed way "Ugh, men they just don't get it right." She places a hand on her ear activating an earpiece. "Char, sir, subject 3c will not cooperate."

On the other side a man in a deep, scratchy voice replies "well then, make him cooperate, Soot I shouldn't have to tell you again." Her eyes widen, "yes sir."

Soot walks into the sterile white room where a small boy with blonde hair sat strapped onto a vertical table. He looks up and begins to struggle to get out. "You will regret this when the others find us!" Soot gives a sly smile "oh they already know where you are at."

The boy sighs and prepares of what Soot will do to him next. Soot walks up to the boy and grabs his chin "tell me where the rest of the specials are at and you may keep your powers." she squeezes his jaw he struggles to move his head. "I will never betray my own kind." Soot takes a step back, "I knew you would say that." She holds out her arms. Her hair changes from bright colors to menacing dark colors of blue and maroon. The room darkens to a sickening grey shadow color "you shall see your worst nightmares and tell me where the rest of them are!"

The boy's eyes change from a green to an orange color, he struggles trying to get away."Nooo!" Soot smiles "Yes, tell me where they are hidden!"

The boy screams then falls silent breathing faintly. "No! No! No! Why did you do that?" Soot frustratingly stomps her foot. The room fades from back to its normal white wash. Soot's hair brightens back to its regular color. "Why do you have to be so frustrating!" she kicks the wall. Soot then reaches into the small tool table grabbing a syringe, "subject 3c blood sample for technology harvest." On the side of the plastic syringe, the words appear.

Afterwards, Soot walks out of the room with the blood sample in a biohazard bag. She hands it to a guard, "take this to technological development. And get subject 4d in that room." The guard lowers his plasma rifle "yes Ms. Soot."

The Gifted Chronicles: PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora