Chapter 5: Pyrah

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By lunch time Pyrah was in line right behind another defender with blond/brown curly frizzy hair. Pyrah holds an empty tray moving closer and closer to the food after each person has picked what they like. Pyrah leans closer to the girl in front of her to ask a question.

"So defender, miss, what food is good here?" Pyrah asks curiously.

The defender in front of her is startled by Pyrah's question, she not usually suspecting questions, knocks her tray into the boy in front of her. Everything goes from loud to dead silent while everyone stares at the two girls.

"Whoa I'm sorry I didn't mean to.... I mean all the food is good here and... sorry for the food.... I'll just go to my room...." The girl picks up her tray, places it on the counter, and stalks quickly out of the mess hall with her head down embarrassed.

Pyrah feeling so sorry for embarrassing the girl chases after her. She sets her tray on the counter as well and runs after the girl. Out in the training area, the girl who began to walk out of the building to go to her room. "Wait! Defender, lady! I want to ask you something!" Pyrah yells while running at her. The defender looks down at her feet and holds up her hand slightly. "Don't I've had enough of things today I don't want to talk." Pyrah replies quickly with her question. "All I was wondering was if you would be my teacher, I don't have one yet and you seem like a good defender to me." The defender takes a deep breath and looks up at Pyrah with dark brown eyes, "look kid I know you want my guidance but now is not the time to ask, if you want; we can meet at the rock wall in the defender's station right after dinner tonight ...ok? Oh and my name is Luminous." Luminous walks out.

(Later that night after dinner.)

Pyrah was sitting at the top of the Rockwall staring off into a distance almost trance-like. She reminisces the time when she went to a church camp at lake-Lavon in Texas, "Don't start that Blaze!" She laughs as she hides behind a tree in a giant paintball gun match against two other teams. Blaze shrugs, "we may be on the same team but I can change teams easily, I'm a likeable guy remember?" Pyrah rolls her eyes, at that moment large yellow paintballs fly in their direction. "Take cover!"

The two retreat back a couple of trees and shoot while walking backwards, "we have to retrieve yellow team's flag and we will win Pyrah!" Pyrah barely peaks around the tree, "they have the most team members, we will have to flank them." Pyrah points to the opposite side for Blaze to head in on the right. Blaze nods his head, "Okay, Go!" Blaze runs away as quietly as possible, Pyrah heads in the opposite direction where the yellow team's flag would be. She checks her map to see the small tracking triangle where Blaze is.

Nice and quiet-like into position. Pyrah hits her button which makes her own map icon blink, She soon sees the top of Blazes helmet through the brush taking out a couple of yellow teams combatants. Pyrah reloads her gun and shoots the two sentries guarding the flag, The two double over pretending they have been shot since that was part of the game. Blaze circles the perimeter taking out the remainder of the team. Pyrah whistles to Blaze, "hey you want the glory?"

Blaze drops his guard. Just then without noticing a yellow team pops out of the bushes aiming for Blaze, "NO!" Pyrah comes out from her hiding spot and shoots the remaining yellow team person Blaze turns around to see the last yellow team combatant fall, Blaze waves his paintball gun, "Pyrah take it your always defending my butt."

Pyrah laughs, "yeah right!" she grabs the flag safe from ambush alley. "Blaze guess what?" Blaze runs over by Pyrah, "We just won!" Blaze smiles then frowns, "what about our own flag?" Pyrah waves her hand to dismiss that thought, "Eh, we still have the most points each person counts to how many points the team has on their own flag. Blue team won! For the first time we won!" Having taken out most of red team and taken yellow team's flag there was nothing stopping the small blue team now. Blaze and Pyrah and Blaze run back to the post of where their flag is kept with their only sentry," guess what blue team?" Pyrah proudly says as they wave their enemy team's flag. Pyrah looks at the planted flag noticing that where she heled it there was an imprint of her hands in the hard metal tube.

She sighs and looks down at her feet. "I wonder if she's going to come here... or not..." On the other side of it, two hands grab the top of the rock wall. "Pyrah you want training or not?" Pyrah looks behind her-self.

"You came here?" Duh she would come!

"Well help me up this wall and yeah, I came, I'm a mentor, I have a student to teach."

"Yeah let me help you up." Pyrah grabs Luminous' right arm by the wrist, yanks her up too hard, and throws her accidentally into the air.

"PYRAhhhhh!" Luminous yells as she falls off the tall rock wall.

She jumps and catches Luminous in the air by the arm while grabbing onto a climbing rope with the other arm, "Sorry, it happens sometimes I have mostly kept it under control, but it gets out of hand sometimes."

Yelling at Pyrah "Pyrah, try to channel that energy to get us down from this place."

"Oh sure thing, Luminous." Pyrah lets go of the rope both landing with a thud. Luminous' knees buckle over, and she falls to a laying position on the ground.

"Alright, alright.... I think that is a good little exercise to think about for now, it was nice to know what your power is; its super strength and the ability to change your bone density to handle enhanced jumping and falling." Luminous said somewhat sarcastically. I cannot believe that I can finally know what my power is.

"Thanks for helping me Luminous I really appreciate it." Pyrah felt like a real superhero, after all the years of growing up watching all kinds of action movies she could say she saved people for a living. Although the underground job wasn't great so far, she began to wonder what her family and friends were thinking right now.

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