Chapter 6 - Kill the Brother

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Sheele' POV


Lightning claps, shining on the face of the killer for a second.


"Shane, I don't wanna fight you."

"Your aura says otherwise."

My brother... is my target... I don't know what to do in this situation. When I dropped my glasses, he could've killed me right there, but he didn't.

"Remember those kids that used to bully you when you were little?" Shane asks.

"Yeah, you broke their noses..."

I notice his cloak, it seemed unnatural. "Wondering what my cloak is?" He continued, "it's called Gods Shadow, or Spectre. It's a shadow manipulating teigu, you probably figured out how it works when you tried slashing my shadow clone."

A shadow manipulating teigu? I turn to my comrades who were still watching.

"Get Tatsumi, and get out of here. You need to report this." The nod at me, and ran for Tatsumi, when they got him, they ran off.

I immediately catch a dagger that was flying towards me.

"Don't get too distracted sis..." he started charging towards me. He tried to stab me, but I immediately blocked the attack with my giant scissor teigu.

"I'm not..." I strike my weapon at him. He tried blocking it, but my blade cut through his daggers. He then drops the handles that were left of his daggers, then pulled out another pair.

"Try that again, sis, but give me your all." He throws both of his daggers at me, I then cut them both into, I then saw him charge at me with a butchers knife, hacking the knife at me.

I jump kicked his arm, making him drop his weapon, then I kicked him in the stomach, pushing him back.

I see him equip a large cleaver, and then he started charging. When he tried hitting me, his cleaver clashed with my scissors. I was shocked seeing his cleaver still in one piece.

I immediately backed away from him. "How come my teigu didn't break your cleaver!?" I shouted frustratedly.

Shane just started laughing at me. "I know your teigu has the ability to cut through almost anything on earth." He continues. "But can it cut through something that fell from the sky?"

He shows off his cleaver to me. "You and I might not know what metal they used to make that weapon. But I know this could rival it."

I gritted my teeth and started charging at him again. Before I could land a blow on him, I find myself surrounded by Imperial Officers.

"Put the weapons down, now!" There were twelve of them, three with firearms and the rest with swords.

I then feel Shane's back on mine. "Now what?" I ask myself.

"What do you mean? Do what you're always good at." I then see Shane charge at the officer with the revolver and slit his throat. He grabbed the gun and started shooting the other officers.

I start attacking some of the officers, cutting them in two and decapitating some of them.

After the officers were all dead, I couldn't help but smile.

"We make a pretty good team, don't we broth..." I turn around finding out he left without saying anything.

Night Raids Headquarters

"Hey, I'm back." Everyone notices me, they all ran towards me with worried looks on their faces.

"Are you alright!?" Mine asks worriedly.

"Did you kill him!?" Tatsumi asked.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, and no I didn't kill him."

Najenda comes into the room. "I know he's your brother, but you still failed to kill him."

I look down at the floor and frown. Najenda just shrugs her shoulders.

"Well, with the information you gave me about him having a shadow manipulating teigu. We need to kill him ASAP."

My eyes widen in shock. "What? No! Just give me some time to change him!"

Najenda looks at me in surprise, then shakes her head, and passes her a folder.

"When I've sent you all to hunt him down, I got some news that he's killed sixteen innocent bystanders before we found out about him." Najenda continues, "If you don't wanna kill him, fine by me, but he still has to die."

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. "I don't have time for this shit." I walk away, leaving everyone in shock. I never really cussed before, it wasn't really nice to say. Was I always like this?

Akame's POV

"Is she still out there?" I asked Mine.

"Yeah. I tried talking to her, but she refused to go back inside." Mine sighs.

"Should I get Tatsumi to start talking to her?"

"Pfft, like that newbie can do anything."

I look out the window, seeing Sheele sitting alone.

"Never would've thought she had a brother." Mine continues. "Looks like she's in the same boat as you."

"Unlike Sheele, I want to kill my sister."

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