Chapter Twenty-Five

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I heard her get out of bed and close the door to the bathroom. I didn't want to crowd her, but once I heard her talking to herself, I got curious. I shouldn't have opened the door to listen to her, but I couldn't help myself. Yeah, I'm a selfish bastard with the patience of a two-year-old, so I stood in the doorway watching her give herself a pep talk.

Only I heard more than I bargained for.

"I'm falling in love with Mathias Black." Her eyes wide as she stares back at herself. At first, I thought I was hearing things. Instead of walking right back out of the bathroom, I ask her the question that I am dying to know the answer to.

I want her to give me a straight answer. Even scaring her doesn't register right now. The only things that I can focus on are the words that she is falling in love with me.

"Are you falling in love with me?" My voice echoes through the bathroom and I know I've spooked her when she doesn't say a word, only staring at me through the mirror.

When she doesn't answer me, I ask her again stepping closer to her. Finally, she opens her mouth to speak, but no words come from her.

Reaching out, I cup her cheek with my hand and wrap my other arm around her waist, pulling her body into mine. "Cadence, please tell me you meant what you said." My voice is a low whisper, and I feel my heart start to race when she still doesn't answer me.

My lips trail along her throat as I dip my head closer to her. Now that I've had a taste of her, there is no way I'll ever let her go. I won't be able to. She's like a damn drug that I never want to quit.

As I suck on her neck, she moans quietly, and her hands go to my hips. "I'm falling in love with you." Her voice breaks on the word love, and I pull back to look in her eyes.

The only thing I see when I look into her blue eyes is a mixture of lust and truth. I press my body into hers and run my hands down her body, stopping on her ass. I lift her up onto the counter and step between her thighs, pressing into her core.

Her hands trail down my back and slip into the waistband of my boxer briefs.

"You are all I think about," I whisper against her neck as I press a kiss in the spot that drives her wild.

"I want you to be mine, only mine." I nip at the spot next and soothe my tongue over it. Her head tilts to the side further, granting me better access to her.

"I've loved you since you came stomping into my office like the feisty woman you are." I suck on the spot right under her ear, and she moans, pressing her body into mine.

She doesn't say a word, but I don't need her to. I know she feels something for me more than she ever wanted to admit. I'm going to be the only thing she thinks about when she gets that ache between these sexy little thighs, and I'll be the only one to ever get to be inside of her tight cunt.

I'll own every inch of her mind, body, and soul.

"How did you know?" she questions as I continue to suck on her neck, marking her with my mouth.

Pulling away from her, I box her in on the counter and get level with her face. Staring into her eyes, I give her the God's honest truth.

"The moment you walked in like you had nothing to lose. You were strong, didn't give a shit what I thought, and you held your own. You all but told me to go fuck myself." I grin at the memory of her that day.

"You knew that day?" her voice is breathy and quiet.

"Yes," I murmur. "I don't like my women pliant. I want one with a passion. One that isn't afraid to tell me to go fuck myself when I'm a dick. You do all those things and more. You made me so hard that day that I had to jack off once I got away from you. You do that to me."

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