Chapter Eight

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After I had left her room, I made my way back to my office and made the reservations for tonight and the rest of the weekend. I asked for a single room suite, and I know that it's going to piss Cadence off.

It was part of the reason I requested only one bed. I want her in the same bed as me even if nothing happens. I've watched her reactions to me, and I know that she wants me even if she keeps denying herself that pleasure.

I have plans for my darling little virgin, and I can't wait to put them in motion.

A knock at the door brings my attention from my phone, and I call for the person on the other side to come in. Rob, the head of my security team opens the door and comes inside, shutting it behind him.

"What do you have?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Apprehended, Sir." I nod my head. "We don't have much on him, though. I ran the fingerprints and didn't have a match. He won't give his name either." I sigh as I stand. Of course not. They always make this shit more difficult.

"You've never met or seen him before?" Rob shakes his head no, and I walk around my desk. "I want to meet this guy," I state, following Rob out the door and towards the back yard.

As we come outside, I scan the yard before looking up at Cadence's window. The trees around it block the view from prying eyes unless they happen to climb the tree to stare at her through the damn window.

"I want these trees trimmed back. I don't want someone else being able to climb those fuckers to get close to her again." He nods his head before opening the door to security house.

Walking in, I see the rows of screens that capture the security surveillance of the entire property. To the right is a little kitchen that the men as able to use for all meals. "We have security set for your trip this weekend. I called the hotel and made sure that they were to give us access to the feeds and the room right next to yours."

This is why I keep Rob paid well and on my team. He always ensures that I have the best security even without me asking for it. Nothing gets by him, and his men are highly trained.

"Thank you. I want to see the man you have in custody." He nods and motions for me to follow him. We walk through the small security house and pass by three bedrooms before we come to a back staircase that takes us underground. I had two holding cell type rooms installed in case we ever needed a place to hold people who were trespassing.

The rooms are dark but clean. I didn't half-ass anything in this place. I want to know that there will always be protection for the people who work for me as well as my family.

As we walk down the stairs, I see the cell that the man is currently residing in. Getting closer to him, I vaguely recognize him. I can't place his name or where I've seen him before, but I'm sure that I do. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I snap a photo of him to show to Cadence later.

Putting my hands in my pockets, I come to a stop right in front of his cell. He doesn't move from the small bed that takes sup half of the room. His eyes drift over to me lazily, like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Why were you on my property?" I ask, staring at him. He doesn't say a word, and I don't blame him. If it were me on the other side of the bar, I wouldn't say a word either. But I would figure out a way to get free and continue whatever it was I was trying to accomplish.

Cadence Eeves.

She's going to be more trouble than I thought.

I spend a few more minutes in the same room as him, trying to rack my damn brain. Nothing comes to me, and finally, I just give up on it. If he was here for her, she might know who he is.

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