Chapter Seventeen

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I don't know what the hell I am doing.

I had sex with him, even after I promised myself that I would stay the hell away from him. It wasn't supposed to happen. I kept repeating that since the shower this morning. Everything is changing between us, and I can't seem to keep myself from wanting to touch him.

The feel of his body pressed against mine is the best feeling I've ever experienced. I never thought that sex would feel like it did. Other than when I broke through my hymen, it was fucking fantastic.

Groaning, I continue to brush my hair. We are supposed to be leaving in a few minutes, but I can't bring myself to face Mathias. He was right. He is always fucking right. He told me that he would get what he paid for and he's right, he did. He got my virginity even though I served it to him on a damn silver platter.

I pull the brush through my hair a little harder than I should and get it caught on a tangle that pulls a few strands out.

Part of me doesn't even care about the consequences; I just want to spend as much time under him as possible. The more reasonable side only cares about when I'll see Aldrick again.

"You ready?" His voice sends chills down my spine. I look at him in the mirror and see the way he's watching me. Almost like at any moment he thinks the other shoe is going to drop and that I might go batshit crazy on him.

"Yeah, I just need lipstick, and I'm ready," I answer softly. After a few moments, his eyes start to trail down my body, lingering on my ass. He takes a few steps towards me, getting close enough to me that I can feel the heat from his body like he was holding me.

I grab my lipstick and lean forward, sticking my ass out a little. His hand slides down my hip, coming to rest on my ass cheek. Little touches like this are what get my pulse racing. Applying the lipstick perfectly, I smack my lips together and right myself, pushing my body back into his. His hands rest on my hips as his lips slowly brush against my neck. Closing my eyes at the feeling of his mouth on me, I can't help but sigh. I can get lost like this forever and never think twice.

A beep forces my attention towards the sink and my heart drops into my stomach when I see the name on the screen.


"Look at it," Mathias whispers into my ear. I hesitantly reach for my phone, but part of me isn't sure that I want him to see what Aldrick sent me. What if he is finally telling me that he's coming home? Maybe I can finally get what I want. Him.

The text message opens, and I close my eyes. I don't want to know what he said while Mathias is pressed up against me and after everything we did last night.

Mathias's hand tightens on my hip almost hard enough to leave a bruise on me. Opening my eyes, I see exactly why he's pissed.

Aldrick: Tell Mathias to let Sheldon go. He was there because I sent him to get you. He is going to take you underground for protection.

"I'm not letting that bastard go. He tried to kidnap you from my house." Looking in the mirror, I can see the anger flash in his eyes, and I have to hold my breath. I would never go anywhere with Sheldon. I would rather spend the rest of my life cooped up in a broom closet than go anywhere with him.

"I won't go anywhere with him." My words leave with a whisper, and it doesn't take Mathias long to get on his phone, barking out orders to his security team.

His hand goes to my back, and he pulls me into his chest. I breathe in the scent of his cologne, and I try to settle the fear that was starting to creep into me. We are nowhere near Sheldon right now, and I know that Mathias' men won't just let him go for any reason. For now, I'm safe.

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