Chapter 8: Scared

Start from the beginning


The crowd sat in awe and confusion,
as morrsion grew angerier by the second, "REYES ANSWER ME!"


You could see him shaking a little bit at the intimidation and anger rising within him.

"Whats wrong reyes? Experiments got your tongue?.....*Smile fades away into a menacing anger filled face.*.... Because i certantly know they've gotten mine...." You spoke with incomprehencable rage as it grew more and more with each word.

At that statement, gabriel snapped and began to growl, the growl got louder into a full on grunt as he swung his fist towards your face but, you instantly stopped it clutching his fist in your hand.

Genji immidiantly stood up at the action and watched carefully.

Your head rose a little and a smile grew on your face as you were engulfed in the feeling of getting underneath gabriel's skin. You also smiled at the fact that you could sense genji's uneasyness.

"Genji..." You say staring into gabriels eyeless mask.

He shot his attention towards you.

You turned your head slightly to look towards the crowd but, your eyes weren't on genji.

"I'll be ok..." You say your warm smile returning for a moment to assure genji your saftey.

He paused for a minute and nodded his head, sitting back down slowly still not letting his gaurd down.

"What was that about brother?..."

Genji stared deep into the back of your head as you turned yours back towards gabriel.

"I....i am not sure..."

As your warm smile transformed back into a bone chilling grin, you began to mock gabriel even more.

"You still think im that same weakling from years ago.............some dream you've been living in..."

Silence was restfull until your face had edged a bit closer to reyes entering his personal bubble without hesitation, making the quietness leave forcefully.

"....let me wake you up to a real life nightmare..." You began to unclench your grip around gabriels fist and outstrecthed your fingers exposing your palm and instantly, a masssive explosion ray of fire shot out of your hands like an overpowered flamethrower and gabriels fist was right in the midst of it...

The heat was overwhelming and felt like a fire thats was hit with gasoline and lighterfluid over and over again.

The crowds eyes widened in horror as they witnessed gabriels clothing on his arm instantly turn to ashes and his metal hand get hotter and hotter.

Lenas face grew more terrified by the second.

Morrison couldn't believe what he was watching...he knew you had insane abilities...but, he never imagined something like this.

The circumfrence of the flame almost touched gabriels neck.

Gabriel screamed in pain as your human flamethrower subsided.

He had pain on his arm from the now exposed skin but his hand was far worse. His hand was melting within the metal glove as he tried so deperatly to claw it off. The smell of burning flesh engulfed your nose and spred to the rest of the room.


The most horrifying scream that can come from a person came from gabriel as he grasped his hand trying to get it off and he fell to the floor rolling in pain and agony.

"You wanted to make a nuclear weapon AND NOW YOU WANT TO GO HEAD TO HEAD WITH IT, HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU!" You screamed lowering your face to meet his.

Morrison was at a loss for words, he had no idea what was going on...

"You might of fooled everyone here but, im here to expose you..." As all the anger within you fell onto the agonized man.

The crowd sat confused and awe struck with no idea what was happening.

You could sense genji's presence grow more worried and scared by the second but, right now you needed to protect him by exposing gabriel for what he really was.

Gabriel endured the pain as he starred back at you in pure hatred and anger.

"What are you TALKING ABOUT (Y/N)!"

You turned your head back towards morrison with pure intent on trying to help him figure this out.

"Come on morrison... you look like a man who likes puzzles dont you?...PUT THE FUCKING PIECES TOGETHER!" You yelled with base.

Morrison understood you were angry and quite frankly didn't want to fuck with what really did seem like a nuclear weapon. His expression moved from angry to concentrated.

You saw the gears in his head turning, as he tried to put what you said in order, until what you said last made it click.

"Morrison...*looks up at you*......someone had to run those expiriments...."

His head shot up as you realized he just put the last puzzle piece into the picture completing it.

His eyes widened in horror....

-End of Part 1-

A Dragon's Fire [Genji x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic / PART 1Where stories live. Discover now