Chapter 2: Odd Connections

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Winston walked towards and entered through a metal door as he passed the small sign next to the entrance labeling, Commander Morrison.

He walked in to see jack staring down at a tan folder marked, (y/n) (l/n) SSoldier #0022. (Super Soldier)

"You're still looking at that file morrison?"

Jack took a moment to soak in the question, "Why is his file, *opens folder* barely even readable."

Winston took notice of the files jack had opened.

He looked up at the gorrilla to see a suprised expression on his face.

"What the..."


Now they had realized why they weren't able to look at his file until now. There was barely anything to look at... The papers were burnt, some had holes and some papers were half gone.

"It's like that with every *turns page* single *turns page* page...." Jack said with curiousity with a hint of concern in his voice.

"What do you think happened?"

Jack realized that when he took in soldiers that there files could be screwed or tampered with in some shape or form, but, this...this was ridiculous.

"Im not sure...", Jack looked at the papers once more.

You could see the gears turning in jack's mind as he was coming up with a possible explination for the burnt papers.

Jack intertwining his left and right fingers and raising them up to his face, staring over them intently towards winstons direction.

Jack had an idea of what could've happened but...that was a very unlikely scenerio. Weirder things have happened what makes this so different. His mind turning to the talon explosion at there headquarters 3 years prior. Fire erupted everywhere within the walls of the building, it was a shitshow. The weapon that they had planned on using had backfired on them and escaped....

There was a silent pause between the two of them, the situation being already very suspicious.

"I'll be back..." As jack got up walking past winston with a very intent pace.

"Where are you going jack?"

"To talk with the man myself." Jack said continuing to walk in the direction of (y/n)'s dorm.


"And there!" You had finally folded and put your clothes into the last drawer and your room was done. You couldn't wait to finally explore the rest of the facility with your newfound friends lena and lucio.

That was before you heard a knock on your door and heard an unfamiliar voice behind it...

"(y/n) open up, i need to talk to you in private..."

The voice was stern and very intimidating.

You grew nervous as you grabbed the door knob and turned it revealing a man with white hair and a formal suit. He was very fit for his age and in perfect condition.

"Hello (y/n), my name is jack morrison commander of the overwatch team. I'd like to have a few words with you regarding some personal matter..."

Your heart sunk figuring you were in trouble with the way he said his words.

" i in trouble?" You said with a confused face trying to cover up your concern and nervousness with a non chilant attitude.

"I just want to ask you a few questions..." He said walking past you into your room.

A Dragon's Fire [Genji x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic / PART 1Where stories live. Discover now