Chapter 8: Scared

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Your face and body grew more tense at the sight. Shear terror was shown on your face when you met eye to mask with him and everyone could see it.

Genji sensed that this was not a face of terror out of the look gabriel was giving but, it was greater....much greater.

"Oh, come on (y/n)! Give em' the ol' one-two!" Lena shouted from the bleachers throwing a fist into the air, trying to give you the best encouragement she can give.

"He's intimidating but, i know you can handle him (y/n)." Morrison said as he stared at the look on your face.

You couldn't get the images of torture and screaming out of your head. The pain and suffering you indured because of that monstrous man. It kept replaying in your mind until snapped.

You realized that you have gained new abilities and been practicing them for years now...he has no clue what your capable of.

A devilish smile sneaked it's way onto your face as you stared deep into the souless eyes of his mask...

By the way you looked and the aura you were giving off...everyone could feel it, even gabriel flinched.

Genji noticed that your aura was turning darker and darker as rage and revenge began to fill your body.

Morrison saw your expression change and smiled thinking you've gained the fighting spirit...when it was so much more.

"That's the spirit (y/n)! Go stand on that spot over there and wait for the countdown."

Keeping your eyes on reyes and the unsettling smile locked on him. You walked towards the spot you had seen previously and stood patiently...

You notice gabriel had done the same, not saying a single word.

Once you had stepped on the spot a robotic womans voice came over the com.

"The one on one fight against (y/n) and Gabriel will start in 3,..... *Inhales*, 2....*Exhales black smoke*,.....1."

As soon as she said the final number, you felt the rage and anger fuel the fire within you...literally. You exsponged the flames outward onto the ground around your feet making a ring of high flying, scorching hot fire exerting from the ground around you.

Everybody's eyes widened and they sat in awe and shock, including genji and hanzo.

Gabriel took one step back, with mouth wide open covered behind a souless mask.

You tilted your head slightly to the side and amusment at the startled man in front of you. Then moved your head again downwards acutley, intensely looking at gabe as if he was stupid. You decided to have some fun with him...

"What's wrong 'Gabriel'? You look like you've seen something that you thought had died...." You said smiling bigger as you started to walk towards him, reverting your head back to a normal position slowly as the flames got hotter and hotter.

Getting closer you could hear the horror in his voice as he was stuttering his breathing.

Morrison heard the statement and instantly knew something was up.

He looked at you with a confused face then at gabriel with crossed arms.

"Reyes, what is he talking about?"

You finally reached face-to-face with the one who started it all.

"Ya reyes...*Tilts head to act like your confused in mockery* What am i talking about?.." You say with a menacing tone, your devilish smile outlined the words with intensity.

A Dragon's Fire [Genji x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic / PART 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα