What Is Better: Bitter Truths Or Sweet Lies?

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Samantha spoke, 'I support Jai in this case. Prof. Albus does sound philosophical but he also does teach that there is in the textbook on Saturday lectures right?'

'You are correct Samantha but don't you think that we should actually devote all the four lecture we get in a week for psychology?' asked Calpurnia.

Prof. Albus entered the class with a different smile today. It seemed as if he was going in the mood of a lot of fun today.


Hamid looked at Jai and smirked. Prof Albus asked quizzically, 'Why did you laugh looking at the topic?'

Alisa said, 'Well there is someone amongst us who's going to support the Sweet Lies.'

'All right. So this is going to be like a debate. Let's see... So what do you think is better?' asked Prof. Albus.

'Obviously, the bitter truths are better. It is something that we have been taught from our childhood,' said Paolo.

'Everyone on the side of truth listens to me. This is what Jesus Christ said after Pontius Pilate had interrogated him prior to the crucifixion,' said Calpurnia.

 This is what Jesus Christ said after Pontius Pilate had interrogated him prior to the crucifixion,' said Calpurnia

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'Truthfulness is commanded by Allah and is mentioned in over 100 places in the Quran. Allah has given a lot of emphasis and very much importance to tell a truth. This is what Islam says about truth as well,' said Alisa.

Hamid said, 'Yeah. Moreover, Truth is one of the fundamental laws. The universe is depended on truth.'

'Is anybody going to say for Sweet Lies on this debate?' asked Prof. Albus smilingly. Jai raised his hand. All the students laughed loudly.

'Parvati is going to kill me after this lecture but I do believe that in many cases Sweet Lies can be better than Bitter Truths,' said Jai.

Prof. Albus smiled. 'Why do you think so?'

'Well, I think that in many situations bitter truths can be demotivating and discouraging. For example, if a person is weak at academics and you tell that person the bitter truth that you're weak, how can the person even try to improve?'

 For example, if a person is weak at academics and you tell that person the bitter truth that you're weak, how can the person even try to improve?'

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