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I woke up to find myself in an unfamiliar room. Oh God. I thought to myself. I was relieved to see that I had my clothes on, and nobody was lying next to me. I looked around and found my phone on the nightstand. I checked the time. 10:45 A.M I sighed. I got out of the bed and picked my heels up from the floor. I opened the door slowly, not knowing whose house I was in.
"Good morning" I heard a whisper right outside the door. I jumped back a bit. "Tommi?" I questioned, as he opened the bedroom door all the way to reveal himself. He was no longer in his clothes from the night before, he was wearing some sweatpants and a white v neck.
"Hey Rose" he said, beckoning me to join him at the kitchen table. "What happened last night?" I questioned, "and where are we?"
He chuckled, "You and Aphrodite were hammered as hell, I took you guys home before you could get yourself in a bad situation." He explained. I furrowed my brows, "this isn't home" He shrugged his shoulders. "It's Aphrodite's home."
Really? I hadn't visited my sister in forever, not since she moved out on her own at least. Once I looked around more, I realized how nice her place was. Where was she though? My head suddenly began to kill me. Fuck I muttered, as Tommi handed me a glass of water and went to retrieve a pain-killer. "Hangover?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, I didn't feel like answering such an obvious question. He handed me a pill and I swallowed it down, along with the whole glass of water. I walked over to the couch in the living area and laid down. "Where's Aphrodite?" I asked, covering my face with my hands to block out the light. "Right here" a perky voice said, as my sister removed my hands from my face to reveal herself. How could she be so perky? She claimed that she never got hangovers, and I would always envy that. I sighed and slung my legs over the side of the couch.
She was already dressed. She was wearing black leggings along with a large, lavender sweater. She was adorable. "Good morning" I finally murmured, as I stood up to give her a brief hug. "You don't look so hot" she said, as she placed the back of her hand against my forehead. "I'm fine" I laughed, rubbing my temples. "I need to get going though.", I added.
She smiled, and gave me an understanding look. "I can take you home in a bit", Tommi suggested and I politely accepted his offer. "Thanks man", I said. He shook his head. "No need to thank me." I sighed, and looked around. I was still in my outfit from last night. I reeked of alcohol and sweat.
"Do you have any clothes I can borrow?" I asked Aphrodite, as she took my hand and pulled me into a room. Her room. She lead me to her walk-in closet. She handed me a pair of black sweatpants and an oversized Metallica shirt. "Sorry I don't have much to fit you" she said, and I assured her it was fine. I proceeded to change into the clothes she gave me. "I'll give them back to you whenever I get the chance". She shook her head, "don't worry about it. Do you want something to eat?" She asked. I nodded my head. We headed off towards the kitchen to get some breakfast.
   "Are you ready to leave yet?" Tommi asked me, as he grabbed his keys from the table. "In a minute" I muffled through a mouthful of toast. He gave me a look of disgust, but I knew he was only playing around. "You really shouldn't speak with your mouthful" he said, crossing his arms at his chest. "So what if I do?" I asked. Aphrodite was carefully watching us, she appeared amused. "You're gonna gross guys out if you do that." He told me, as he stole the other piece of toast I had on my plate. "Please, guys do much grosser shit" I scoffed, as he put the piece of toast in his mouth. I frowned, "Thanks for stealing my food." He grinned, and walked to the front door. "Let's get going", he said; I obliged. I then said my goodbyes to Aphrodite and left with Tommi.
   After I had arrived home, I went straight into a relaxing bath. After putting in the bath salts, I laid my head back and listened to the music playing through my phones speaker. "Love You To Death" by Type O Negative.
   The song was cut short by my phone ringing. They can wait. I told myself. I was curious to see who it was though. So I dried my hands off and picked up my phone ever so carefully, making sure I didn't drop it into the bath water. Unknown number, Helsinki, I said to myself as I checked the caller I.D. I wasn't expecting a call, especially not one from Helsinki. I didn't know many people in the area that weren't family, so I was for sure a random stranger would be on the other line.
   That wasn't enough to keep me from answering it, out of curiosity. Here goes nothing. I said to myself, as I answered the phone. There was silence at first. "Hello?" I spoke up, waiting for a response. "Hello, Rosemary"

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