Café & the Club

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"I'll take a small caramel macchiato", I told the young, rosy-cheeked barista behind the counter. I was at a small cafe in Helsinki, ordering a cup of coffee. I had to walk back to my loft. As tired as I was, I don't think I'd have been able to manage without the caffeination.
"It should be ready in just a few moments", the barista smiled as she wrote my name on a plastic cup. I stepped out of line, to allow a man to take my place. I analyzed his features more than I probably should have. He was nearly tall, rather slim. He had on all black clothes, except for a purple beanie which he had on the top of his head, allowing a few pieces of his dark, curly hair to creep out.
He must've noticed I was staring, for he turned back and looked at me, with those beautiful, sea green eyes. I quickly looked in the opposite direction to pretend that I had not been gawking. I don't think I had been very convincing though. Either way, he turned his gaze back to the barista to place his order.
Shortly after, he stepped out of line and walked past me, not making any eye contact. He went down a small hallway in the back of the building, and walked into what I'm assuming was a restroom. While he was now out of sight, I tried not to think too much of him, but I was slightly intrigued -- I had to admit.
"Rosemary!" Thank God, I can retrieve my coffee and get out of here before I make a fool of myself, I thought to myself. I walked up to the barista and grabbed my beverage, and proceeded to hand her some money. "No need to pay, it's already been covered." She beamed. What? "Uhh, what do you mean?" I asked, confused as to why I was getting a coffee free of charge, or if someone had paid for it already.
"The man who was standing behind you paid for your coffee." she assured me. The gentleman with the pretty eyes? All I could manage to utter was an "oh", as I left a tip in the tip jar. I debated on whether or not I should thank him. He still appeared to be in the restroom, and I didn't have the time to wait. Oh well. I appreciated his gesture. I guess he'd have to go without knowing it, though.
   I walked outside into the cold, Helsinki weather. It was mid January, I had started the new year by going for walks around town more frequently. I resided in Los Angeles, but I was from Finland, and from time to time I'd visit and stay in a loft apartment I'd rent out -- which is what I was doing at the time.
   The sound of my combat boots against the pavement was almost hypnotic. I hummed a familiar tune to an Iggy Pop song, and sipped on my coffee. The fresh snowflakes against my face gave me some sort of comfort. It only slightly saddened me that I'd be leaving Finland in two weeks. I would miss this place, but I had a lot of work to do back in Cali; I was a cosmetologist, and musician on the side. Had I not been so self conscious, I'd probably have sung out loud as I walked the blocks to my loft. I decided not to ruin the peaceful atmosphere, for the sake of the other citizens on the street. It was the least I could do.
   Approaching a familiar street, I walked up to the apartment and as usual, struggled to get the door unlocked. I'm so clumsy I said to myself, as I finally managed to get the key to go into the lock. Maybe one day, I'll learn.
   "It's too quick of a notice, you know I'm not going." I said to my younger sister, Aphrodite, on the phone. She was trying to convince me to go to the club with her that night. "Come on, Tommi agreed to be our designated driver for the night. We're all set." She pleaded on the other line. I sighed. I was soon to give in. Tommi was my twin brother, he, along with my younger sister, lived in Helsinki. I felt kind of bad for ditching them to go to the U.S, but they understood what my work meant to me. They were probably the closest friends I had. They deserved to have a night out with me, even if I was going to be an intoxicated mess.
   "Ah, what the hell. I'll go with you." I finally replied, receiving an outburst of shrieks. "Great! We'll pick you up at seven", Aphrodite said, "and wear something sexy!" She added. I rolled my eyes at her remark, "Gee thanks, I'll try" we both laughed, and said our goodbyes. Might as well get ready. I murmured.

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