Part Nine.

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"You totally got second-hand high!" Matty exclaims.
I admire how his face twists into a squinty smile before he tips his head back, bursting into laughter.
I shake my head, "I didn't actually smoke it.."
"I had to carry you out of there because you fell asleep, it was adorable!" He says, still laughing.
We both sip on our sweet teas we bought at the gas station from a few miles back.
He looks at me and notices I'm not laughing.
"Awe, babe. Is someone afraid of living on the edge?" He teases, tapping his fingers on my hips.
He gets on top of me and looks in my eyes, brushing his fingers through my hair.
He dips down and kisses my lips, before trailing kisses along my jawline and down my neck.
I feel his tongue graze over my skin, igniting my nerves.
He sucks against my skin as he gives me love bites. I try to hold still as a breathy moan escapes from my mouth.
This is new to me and he feels foreign. I'm merely a tourist in his presence.
His fingertips trace my hipbones and goosebumps rise on my skin.
"You're fucking beautiful, Isabella." He blurts, his tongue darting across his lips.
I smile and adjust my hair as I lay underneath him.
Confidence gleams through my pores when Matty is around. It's a feeling that I don't feel very often.
He plops his weight down next to me and he pulls out my phone from my front pocket.
He tries to unlock it using passwords like "Matty" or "Healy" but neither of them work.
"It's my first dog's name. Layla." I inform him.
He nods and types in the name before unlocking my phone and opening Snapchat.
The camera opens to us, looking natural as we lay side-by-side on the bed together.
We make different faces and he snaps photos.
I watch as his face changes to him sticking out his tongue as he starts recording a video.
He looks at me and stares at me longingly, small smile playing on his lips.
He leans over in one swift movement and connects his lips with mine.
A newfound confidence washes over me as I lightly tug on his bottom lip using my teeth.
He smiles and glides his tongue against my lip.
I part my lips slightly, allowing our tongues to glide together. He tastes of everything sweet but it's also like home.
We bring our lips back together and part.
Matty glances at the camera before attacking my cheeks with kisses.
I erupt into giggles as he quickly plants kisses across my entire face.
Finally, I manage to find his lips against mine again. He breaks away after a moment.
"Tu es tout pour moi." He mumbles, looking into my eyes.
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion after he ends the video.
"What did you say? What does that mean?" I ask, confused by the words he had spoken.
He waved his hand in the air as if he was shaking off my question.
He proceeded to slide under the blankets and move his hand across my stomach before hooking his hand around my waist.
He pulls me close to him again and buries his head in my neck.
I run my fingers through his curls as he clings onto me.
We both end up drifting into another deep sleep.
"We sleep a lot." I mention as we scroll on our phones together.
He shrugs, "I like sleeping next to you."
"No, no! I love sleeping next to you.. that's not what I meant. I just-- does it ever get boring to you?" I ask him.
He sets his phone down and looks at me.
"Nothing about you is boring to me. Sleep is good, too. The shows are exhausting to the point where it feels like I could sleep for centuries sometimes." He replies.
I nod, "Alright.. just checking."
It's silent for a moment until his face lights up.
"Do you like salads?" He asks me, sitting up in bed.
I laugh, "I do. Very much."
He opens up a text conversation on his phone and types a quick text before standing up and placing a t-shirt on over his body.
He picks up his hoodie that he had let me borrow and tosses it on the bed to me.
I grin and slide it on over my head before getting out of the bed.
"I know fast food isn't always exciting or it can get gross. We're stopping at a grocery shop that has a salad bar, if that's alright?" He asks, glancing at his reflection in the mirror.
"That's lovely." I say, sliding on a pair of ripped skinny jeans.
I walk with him to the middle of the bus and we sit opposite of each other on the couches.
We both wear our matching sweatshirts and our black skinny jeans.
"You are so beautiful." He tells me, small smile playing on his lips.
I blush and place my face in my hands.
The bus slows down and eventually comes to a stop, indicating that we had stopped at the grocery store.
Matty takes my hand and walks with me inside, running to the salad bar with me.
We pick out the large plastic containers and begin to place our lettuce & toppings inside.
He picks a crouton out from the pile and looks around before tossing it in my mouth.
I catch it and he cheers far too loudly for the practically empty store.
I blush from his burst of excitement towards something that seemed quite simple.
After we finish topping our salads, we grab some more beverages before checking out up front.
I pull out my money quicker and hand it to the cashier, swatting Matty's hand away.
He groans, "Damn, woman. Always wanting to pay."
I roll my eyes and take my receipt from the woman.
Matty picks up our bags and walks with me out to the bus.
As soon as we got inside & got moving again, we sat side by side on the bed while the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" plays on his laptop.
He would glance at me every so often & I would find myself blushing under his gaze.
The bus was a bit chilly so I grabbed a blanket and threw it over both of us.
I then moved over to rest my head on his shoulder. Instead, he lifted his arm over my back and pulled me close so I was resting on his chest.
As the movie continued, I began to warm up next to his body heat.
He had his phone pulled out now, the screen lighting up his facial features.
He'd laugh occasionally at something he would see on his phone but I didn't ask. It wasn't my business.
He ran his fingers through his curls & sighed before locking his phone and putting it away.
"You okay?" I asked, unsure of why his attitude had changed.
He only sighed again, "Yeah, I'm fine."
I simply nodded and rolled over, breaking away from his hold.
I curled up with the blanket and shut my eyes.
"Hey, no.. I'm sorry. Just a lot of hate towards me goin' on. Don't be mad, please.." He whined, rubbing my shoulder.
I groaned and rolled back over, pulling him over to me.
He ran his slender fingers through my hair and grinned, "You're the most beautiful girl in the whole universe."
Yeah, right. I'm sure you say that to all the girls.
"Sure, Matty.." I said as a smile threatened to form.
He held me close to him like he was afraid I'd run away.
I fell asleep to the sound of his breathing.

Secondhand Smoke [m.h]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz