Part Twenty-Four.

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"We're definitely going to the shops and I'm going to get you everything that you want." He says, grinning.
I shake my head, "I have everything I want."
"Tell me you'd say no to new jumpers." He argues, folding his arms across his chest.
I roll my eyes, "Okay, you're right but I'm paying for—"
"You moved here with me, love. You left your hometown and almost everything behind, why can't I just buy you some things?" He asks with a slight pout.
He makes a few small steps towards me and it reminds me of a child's walk.
"Fine, but I'm making dinner for you then. I'll do laundry and the dishes, too." I tell him.
He rolls his eyes, "Maid for the last two, darling.. but pasta sounds wonderful if you would not mind."
"Done." I say with a smile as I stand on the bottom step of the stairs.
"You ready to go?" He asks me.
I look down at my new outfit I assembled of ripped jeans and a grey T-shirt that had dark fake ink splatters on it.
I thought about the weather outside and reconsidered if I should change.
He squints and a small grin appears on his face, "There's something else you want."
"Yes there is, I can feel it."
He walks past me upstairs and I spin around and catch up to him.
I giggle as he goes to his closet and stands in the entrance.
"Pick." He tells me.
I shake my head, "No way."
"Yes way."
"Fashion is important to you."
"You're more important."
I gasp at his comment, "Take it back."
He laughs and then makes a serious face, "Nope, I'm tellin' you to pick."
"Any sweatshirt?"
"Are you sure?"
I carefully walk towards the section of sweatshirts and jackets and expensive coats that hang on this rack.
Fashion was something Matty always kind of just, knew how to do.
He even made his pajama's look fashionable.
I look at all of the choices and judge them by the material and finally come across a black hoodie that had dark roses patterned over the front.
I pointed to it and he smiled, "That'd look incredible on you. Yes."
I carefully took it off the hanger and slid it on over my T-shirt.
He grabbed my hand and led me to the mirror.
I didn't have tattoos or wild black hair, I didn't smoke cigarettes or drink.. I didn't indulge in rock music or have an artistic value.. I was just, me.. but I stood in front of the mirror with the emo, beautiful, artistic, emotional, crazy, incredible, loving, bold, stylish and amazing Matty Healy standing behind me.. and black suddenly was my color.
Suddenly it appeared like I belonged by his side, like I was deserving of him.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks me, looking my eyes through the mirror.
I just spin around and kiss him, feeling his thin yet strong hands grip the back of the sweatshirt's material.
It feels so right.
"Thank you." I tell him, pressing my forehead against his.
He chuckles, "Cute."
I feel his hand find mine as his fingers intertwine between mine.
We go back downstairs and he grabs his keys as we get in his car to go to the city.
"Is there any rules? Will there be paparazzi?" I ask, slightly nervous for the day out in a busy environment.
He shakes his head, "No rules.. just, I'm sorry if I get stopped by fans a lot. Paparazzi could come because us together will cause some attention, but I hope you can try to ignore it. I want to have a good day with you."
I nod, "You got it. It's all good, babe."
He drives through the streets of London and I am in awe.
It's raining and cloudy, which makes it a lovely atmosphere.
Soft alternative music plays through his car's speakers and I admire the architecture and people walking down the sidewalks.
"This is stunning." I comment, gazing out the windows.
He nods, "It can be quite lovely."
We drive a bit further until we get to a line of shops, and he's able to find good parking.
We get out and he grabs my hand again as we decide where to go.
"If you see anywhere you want to go, just let me know. I have a couple places I want to go in and if you find something there too, just tell me." He says, sweetly.
He holds the door for me in the first store.
It has a rustic quality and has a lot of vintage stuff.
There's unbelievably cute sweaters and bags around us. He walks to the coat section and begins his search for something that catches his eye.
I look through the racks of sweaters and come across a dark grey cashmere sweater made out of one of the softest materials I have ever felt.
"Oh my god.." I whisper.
I check the price and remember that it was a different currency here.
I was so stupid to forget to convert my money.
It still felt weird to ask him to buy this for me, but before I could pretend like I hadn't even seen it, he was coming over to me.
"Get it. I told you, baby. I want to. It's okay." He assures me.
I pull it off the rack and carefully hold onto it.
I wasn't good at conversions but I knew the sweater costed at least 200 dollars which made my stomach do flips.
I saw a beautiful thick scarf hanging on one of the hooks near the wall.
It was a very thick and beautiful patterned scarf.
I had only looked at it for a moment and Matty just smiled and grabbed it off the hook.
He seemed to read my gaze well.
After he grabbed a new shoulder bag and a wallet, we were checking out.
He paid for all of it and we made it out easily.
"See? That wasn't hard. You're alive." He teases, nudging my side.
I lean and kiss his cheek, "Thank you."
"My pleasure." He answers.
We hear a camera shutter and he lets out a loud sigh as we continue up the street.
He pulls me close to his side and I am unsure of what I should do.
Do I pose? Look down?
I decide to do both just in case and give a sweet smile before Matty spots another store and safely leads us inside.
"That was an adventure." He exhales.
I laugh, "You react so naturally, it's kind of cool but it makes me sad. You deserve privacy."
"Thank you, love."
The cashier gasps as we walk by the counter and immediately nudges her coworker.
They definitely know who he is.
They don't scream but they whisper and smile, probably in awe over the beautiful human that I'm lucky enough to have on my arm.
I don't get upset.
I know that he's viewed as a god to so many girls and guys out there, and that includes me now too.
I don't blame them and will always appreciate him.
I could never take Matty for granted.
He glances at me, "Are you okay so far?"
I nod, "Totally. Find anything you like here?"
This was more of a fragrance and accessory store.
They had amazing rings.
Matty and I ended up buying matching ones that day.
They were silver and very bold, quite masculine but somehow they looked good on both of our fingers.
We both bought one in our size and he got a new cologne as well.
The cashiers told Matty that they loved him and asked for a selfie and I moved out of the way, and then volunteered to take a photo for them so they didn't have to stretch to fit them both in.
"For real? Thank you so much!" They said, standing next to Matty.
I took a few photos for them so they could pick what they liked back and returned their phones to them.
"You're so sweet! Thank you. Take good care of him for us." The taller one whispered to me as Matty already walked further ahead.
I nodded, "You're welcome. Will do."
I caught up to him and locked my arm around his and as we continued down the London streets together, I felt emotional and realized that this was home.

He made this my home.

uhh i am in SHOCK! it is like 2am right now and i can't believe this fic is like #33 in matty healy !!?? thank you SO MUCH???? like oh my goodness.
i appreciate all the nice comments and that people enjoy reading this.
this chapter isn't edited but i hope it's better than nothing.
please don't hate me for lack of updating, i will promise to keep it up from here.
anyways, the 1975's new music is so great and i'm so excited for them to tour and for the album!!!!

hope ur all well(:
- adrianna

Secondhand Smoke [m.h]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ