I close my eyes, letting myself feel the warmth of his body by mine. It's unimaginable how much I hated him not so long ago, and now... Well now, I don't think I could live without his presence.

"Just please... Don't ever let me down." I whisper, looking into his eyes closely.

He looks away a little, focusing more on a strand of my hair that is closest to him. He takes it between his fingers to fiddle with. He looks deep in thought, as if that piece of hair was a work of art with meaning; I'm not sure what he was looking for.

"I want to..." He looks back at me. "Address you as Luna of my pack. I've never asked this of you because the circumstances of how we met were not... Ideal."

I can't help the chuckle that leaves my lips. "Yeah I must admit, the circumstances were very romantic. It's how I always pictured meeting my mate."

"Is there nothing romantic in being tied to a chair in the dark?" He asks me, whispering in a husky voice. His hand moved under my dress to bring my thigh closer to his waist as he lowers his lips by my neck.

"I think you watch too much of Christian Grey." I retort, liking his teasing.

"And you don't find that sexy in the slightest?"

"Well..." I look away to pretend I'm thinking. "I do think that Jamie Dornan is quite attractive."

Daniel glares at me, tightening his grip on my leg and around my waist.

"Right." He mumbles, kissing my neck. I tilt it back, giving him access.

He was a little rough with his kissing and by his body language I could tell what thoughts were on his mind.

His eyes swirl darker, like a paintbrush previously used for ink being swirled in water. I don't see much of them however, because he focuses on my neck again while I tilt my head back closing my own.

He lifts me up onto the conference table to sit on as his hands grip onto my bare thighs, under my dress. His mouth explores mine as his hands make their way over to my hips. That's when I stop him.

"Not now." I frown at him.

"Still aching?" He raises his brow, folding his arms - trying to fight the smile on his face. Despite the clear indication that he's not happy about my interference, he still finds some way to turn this into a cocky remark.

I slide off the mahogany wood and fix my dress, before making my way over to the door. "I'm going to go see Alice." I announce. "...and eat." I add quickly, remembering the most important part of my life. I still haven't had breakfast and it's already way past midday.

I skip down the stairs, over to the kitchen and kill two birds with one stone as Alice was here too.

"Good morning." I beam at her.

She looks me up and down for a second, with a Sherlock Holmes expression - looking like she's trying to figure something out.

"Good morning." She smirks, folding her arms and grinning at me.

I move over to the fridge, avoiding eye contact and looking for something to eat, whilst feeling her eyes on my back.

"What?" I ask, innocently, taking some milk out of the fridge.

Alpha Daniel | astera22Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora